Start from the beginning

"Bake me some," Tay said and smiled at him.

"Tsss. We already have baked ones."

"I wanna watch you bake," Tay replied before grabbing the apron from the counter.

He held his breath when Tay got closer and tied the apron around his waist.

He could smell his breath and his perfume and he couldn't help but blush when Tay even got closer as he tightened the apron.

"There you go," Tay whispered on his ear before kissing him on the cheek.

"H-hey!" he whined and placed his hand on the spot that Tay kissed.

"My mom's gonna kill you if she sees us."

"Tss. I doubt that," Tay grinned and sat on the nearby chair.


"Hmmmm," he couldn't help but nod as he took a bite of the cookies New baked.

"This is good."

"I'm glad you like it," New said and started cleaning the area.

He stood from his seat and approached New.

"Hin," he called before stuffing a half bitten cookie into New's mouth.

"Whayahshdbdnm!" New grumbled with his mouth full.

He then dipped in and kissed New fully on the mouth, gently sucking his lips as he had a taste of them and the cookies in New's mouth.

"Hmmm. It tastes much better," he said after breaking the kiss. He wiped the side of his mouth and tapped New's shoulder.

"Come on. Fix yourself. I'm taking you out for lunch."


"So, what's your plan?" Tay asked over lunch.

He watched as New placed his utensils down and looked at him.

"I don't know. I tried talking to our main boss but he said the decision is final. I shouldn't have gone to that so-called vacation," New grunted.

"Work for me."


"I mean work at my company."



"I just, I just don't want to. I can help my mom in the shop for the meantime and besides, I, I don't want to take advantage of you."

He chuckled upon hearing New's reply.

"Oh come on. What taking advantage are you talking about. We're—"

He froze.

What are we really?

He cleared his throat and continued.

"We're friends remember. And besides I know you're competent. I'm picking you up tomorrow. Just bring any documents you can bring."

"A-are you sure about that? I-I mean—"

"Stop hesitating, okay? I know you're gonna be an asset to the company."


New closed the last button of his shirt.

"Do I look okay? Am I really doing this? Urrgghhh!!"

He grabbed his hair as he grunted. He was having second thoughts about accepting Tay's offer

"Shit. How the hell did it come to this??" he muttered as he opened the first two buttons.

We're friends remember.

A Kiss is still a KissWhere stories live. Discover now