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Three days have passed since the 4th of July. It was fun but today is going to be even more fun! We are going tubing!

The plan is to get everyone on a bus to a boat ramp then I'll ride over on my jetski with the tube. It's going to be so much fun! In fact every day with class 1-A is fun!

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🛥Amy POV🛥

"Hey! Lillian we are going tubing with Y/N today!" I shout to the villain

"Oh joy! We get to be thrown around on a tube lovely!" She says sarcastically

In the week and a half of having Lillian at my house, I've noticed that she is not a morning person. I've noticed a lot of things about her. Like when she eats cereal she drinks the milk with a straw. Or when she is about to go to bed she hums a short lullaby and cuddles with her wolf. I don't know what lullaby it is but it's always the same one. It has made me realize even though she's a villain she's still human. She has little kinks and things that bother her like everyone does.

I guess I hadn't thought about that before. She's human just like I am.

"Come on get your ass in gear. We are going, now." Lillian orders as she's walking towards the door

I can tell this is irritating her. Everything is. The difficulty of killing Y/N, her disguise running out soon, and waking up early.

I go after her. Seeing as the boat ramp we are going to is close we decided to walk. As we walk up we spot the bus that class 1-A took to get here. As well as Y/N on her jet ski, Diani on the back of the jet ski, and B/N on the tube. They do this so the tube isn't flying everywhere when they take off. Diani is on the back so if
B/N falls off she can tell Y/N to stop.

This is going to be fun! It's almost as if everything is like how it was before the whole I hired a villain thing....

• • •

I see Amy with Lucy and a pang of jealousy hits me. I guess I'm jealous because she's hanging out with someone new. Oh well I'll ignore it for now.

"Ok! Hey guys! Hope you guys are ready for today! We are tubing! I'll explain along the way! So who's first!" I say with a devious smirk

Everyone raises their hand excited for this activity. I stare into the crowd of students and finally pick out Ida and Deku first. I ask Lucy if she wants to spot them just in case I throw them off. She agrees and swims out to the jet ski. She climbs on with little difficulty and sits behind me; back to back.

Then Ida and Deku climb on the tube. I decide to go a little rough on them. I start up the jet ski and start speeding up to the middle of this part of the lake. When we get to the middle I look back at the two boys. I smirk deviously while waving like I'm saying goodbye.

I start going faster swinging them around trying to knock them off. Of course if someone later doesn't want to go crazy then I don't have to but this is just for fun. Besides they're big boys, they can handle themselves!

I look back at Lucy and tell her to take my phone and take photos of the guys. She does while smirking just as deviously as I was before. She must be enjoying this just as much as I am! That's good!

After a moment she hands me my phone back and I glance at the photo. I immediately burst out laughing.

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🛥Boat girl🛥 Bakugo x Reader Where stories live. Discover now