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•~Y/N POV~•

It's the day after yesterday. Meaning it's Saturday. What's so special about Saturday? Well class 1-A is going to train today, and I get to help! Yay!

Today the class is supposed to train on towing boats, and guess who gets to play damsel in distress? Why me and Amy of course! I am going to head over to the training site with Uncrushable and Allie to set stuff up.

During the training the heros in training's mission is to hook up to the other boat then drive it over a finish line. Seeing as the class can't really drive a boat yet this is the only thing they can do. Well...Mina can probably drive a boat, but whatever.

I pack up a tow rope, and an empty gas can into my jet ski. I leave a mental note to thank my dad later. I did kinda rush out of there while he was scolding my brother about his animals he has no control over. It's always funny to watch! It never gets old even though they have that conversation pretty much everyday.

I get onto my jet ski and ride off to the training site.


•~Amy POV~•

I set down a box of some life vests that would be handed out to class 1-A. Honestly they look pretty cool if I do say so myself. The only thing I have against them is the fact they block all the hot dudes abs! Why can't they just be see through or something!

I turn my attention from the life vests to Allie and Uncrushable. They seem to be emptying the gas of the boat that is meant to be stranded. As they do that I look out on the lake hoping to spot Y/N with the tow rope.

Honestly ever since I heard she almost died from the boat tipper I felt scared for her. She's so amazing, but is always getting hurt. She rarely lets anything get her down. I'm lucky to have a great best friend like her.

Finally I spot her in the distance waving at us. All of us wave back shouting greetings. After a while she pulls up and gets off her jet ski then takes out a tow rope and empty gas can.

"So, where do you guys what this Allie?" She asks in her naturally loud voice

"Just put it over there girly!" Allie shouts from the boat while pointing


Y/N is an outgoing girl. Not afraid of anything! If I were in her position I would be shy and nervous. Not having a quirk makes you different and some people don't like different so they pick on her. But she always comes back with a witty remark or brushes it off standing proud.

Then there's me. Amy. I could say I'm normal, quiet, and reserved. Sure when I get to know someone all hinges come undone and I let my true colors show. I'm average. I have a quirk. I have a fear of heights. I fangirl over boys like every typical teenage girl. I'm also a pushover. I take things personally. I stand rigidly completely conscious of what is being said about me then tailoring myself to their expectations.

Why can't I be more confident?

"Hey Amy! Do you think you can help me over here please!" Y/N shouts over at me

I look to the side seeing her in quite the situation. She is tied up seemingly done by herself. I make my way over with a small smile on my face. I slowly unknot the rope that is constricting my friend.

Halfway through untying the very complicated rope snaking around Y/N's body she makes a funny face. Why? I have no clue, but it does make me laugh. Soon that laughter washes away any concern or doubt I had in my mind replacing it with one thought...

I don't deserve this great person in my life.


•~Y/N POV~•

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