Chapter 14 - You found them!

Começar do início

"I introduce to you, Frank Sinatra's Come fly with me," The song flows out the hidden speakers gracefully as you walk back to Loki and hold out your hand.

"I hope you don't think you will be leading,"

"This isn't a Waltz, you'll need some Midgardian help... I could always let you dance with Steve or Bucky-"

"No, that's quite fine," He blurts out. With a smile you took his hand in yours and put his hand on your waist which seemed let a soft glow raise in both your cheeks.

"Now, just move," You start to sway along with the song.

"What? No steps?"

"Nope! Unless you want to do ballroom dancing, normal dancing is moving along how you want," The sudden change in music made you jump closer to Loki. "Uh, Friday? Why'd you change the song?"

"I didn't," The AI replied. 'This Magic Moment' by The Driffters starts to play which causes you to narrow your eyes at the ceiling. Loki looked down at your in confusion until the lyrics came on.

"Fifty bucks says Stark did this,"

"That bet is useless when it's obviously true," Loki scoffs as you both kept hold of each other.

"I swear to god," You grumble and walk to the screen, pressing buttons only for it flash red. "Friday you better let me change the song or I'm going to spill apple juice on every circuit board in this tower!" The screen turns green as you turn it into something better than Sinatra. Rock. "Thanks, Friday,"

"What is this?" Loki says in distaste at the song.

"It's called 'Highway to Hell'," You run back and start to dance. "Come on," You start to move his hands as he stared weirdly. "It will make me sad if you don't dance," You plead.

"Oh whatever will we do??" Loki cries sarcastically. "I'm not dancing to this... garbage,"

"You did not- Oh you really are evil!" Loki smirks at your frown. "Friday, put on 'Another one bites the dust'!"

"Yes, ma'am," You start to dance along to the classic as Loki stood watching with an eye roll.

"You're killing me here, Lokes,"

"I could actually do it,"

"Not until you dance," Clapping with each clap you see shadows behind the door. Taking Loki's hand you start to lead him around the library, tapping your feet to the sound of the beat. "Cast an illusion," you whisper.


"Of us, they're behind the door," You continue to lip-sync as he smirks and casts a simple illusion over you both and projecting another dancing back to the couches. "Would you like to do the honours?" Loki grins and clutches the door handles.

"Ready when you are, M'lady," You both pull open the grand oak as everyone tumbles in. "May we help you?"

"Son of a bitch," Everyone groans as they were crushed under Sammy and Thor.

"I'm guessing you're all incredibly drunk?"

"Thor gave us the magic liquid!" Tony hiccups.

"Thank god you found them!" Peter rushes in with Cas, the twins and Vision.

"We've been looking everywhere,"

"What were they doing?" Wanda looks down at the almost asleep group.

"Spying through..." You pick up the Stark tablet. "This,"

"And what were you guys doing?" Wanda coos.

"N-nothing! We were just dancing, I swear!"

"Mhm... we believe you, Miss L/n, one hundred percent," Vision gives a knowing smile.

"When did Vision learn to be sarcastic? Is that even allowed?"

"Fight the fairies!" Dean suddenly shouts as he sloppily punches the air.

"We can fight the fairies later, Dean," kneeling down, you place a kiss on his forehead which he giggles at.


Filler chapters are weird

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Filler chapters are weird

- Anna ❤️

Crossover Conundrum: Loki x fem!readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora