Bonus chapter #2

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Julie and the band were in the garage, and they were bored. They really weren't feeling inspired today. The skies were gray and it was raining, it was hard to find inspiration when today seemed dull.

Alex was sitting in the chair as he twirled his drum sticks, Julie was sighing as she tossed paper after paper to the trash right beside her, and Reggie was just playing around with cords that were off key on his bass. Luke and Adira occupied the couch, Adira was humming a song as Luke played with her hair.

"I have an idea!" Reggie exclaimed as he stood up immediately, catching the attention of his friends. "I've always wanted to see who the better guitar player was... so how about we have a little competition to see who's the best?" Reggie said with an eyebrow as he looked right at Luke and Adira.

"Absolutely not."

"I'm so down."

Luke and Adira said at the same time. "Be my guest" he gestured for her to have a little competition with Reggie. "Don't mind if I do" Adira sent a smirk Reggie's way as she got up and grabbed her guitar. Julie and Alex joined Luke on the couch. "We'll be the judges. And we promise not to be biased" Alex promised.

"Reg, you're like my brother and I love you, but we all know I'm the better guitar player" Adira taunted him as they now stood in front of each other. "All I'm hearing is words. I'm more of an action kinda guy. Prepare to eat your words" Reggie started out the competition. Doing a guitar riff and smirking at Adira as he finished, then gestured for her to go next.

Julie sat up a little, she was actually interested in this. She knows that they're both talented but didn't know how far their skills could go. Luke and Alex on the other hand knew where this was going. Before they died, the band would sometimes do this competition Reggie suggested and Adira was always the only one to participate.

"Reg, just give up. You know I'm gonna win" Adira turned to Reggie, silently asking him to beat that. "Whatever. Check this out" Reggie made a ridiculous face as he rang out his bass as he played. She smirked at him, she knew where this was gonna go. The so called "competition" went on for a few more minutes before they both gave up because they were laughing too hard.

"How about this, a truce?" Reggie offered with his hand out. "This time only, Reginald" Adira took his hand but they both knew the truce wasn't going to last long. "Are you guys sure you're not related? Because you both act so alike it's unreal" Alex said to them. But they didn't take offense to that, the pair practically carried the band on their back with the comedy the had.

"And? You're just mad because you and Luke don't have this connection" Adira shot back as Reggie wrapped an arm over Adira's shoulders, bringing her closer to him, which didn't go unnoticed by Luke. He knew they were just friends but he couldn't help but feel jealous, that was his girl!

"Please, ask Julie who the better pair is out of the four of us" Alex said with a slight scoff as they all turned to Julie. "I love all you guys equally. I can't choose" Julie raised her hands in surrender. She was going to stay out of this and it was a smart move on her part seeing as what happened next.

"Let's be real here. With the way you're sarcastic about everything and the way grumpy pants over here is, there's no way that you guys are better than us" Alex and Luke looked at each other before silently agreeing and stood up. "Charge!" Luke yelled as they went after Reggie and Adira. Alex went after Reggie with a pillow as Luke chased Adira down.

"You know I was just playin', Luke. We can talk about this!" Adira exclaimed as she ran one way around the piano, trying to avoid getting caught by Luke. "I know we can. Why don't you come here and we can talk about it?" Luke asked with a smile. Yelling was heard coming from Reggie which made Adira turn her head, giving Luke enough time to grab her hand and pull her into him.

"Luke, I promise I was ju-" a sequel came from her mouth as Luke tickled her. She thought fast and there was only one way out of this. Adira quickly pressed her lips on Luke's, her hands grabbing his face. Luke instantly responded. As she pulled away it gave her just enough time to poof behind Julie. Luke still had a hazy smile on his face, but dropped once he realized what she done.

"Ok! I have decided who is better!" Julie suddenly stood up, causing all the play fighting to stop. "Drum roll please. And the winner is... me!" Julie yelled as she raised her hands in the air. It was silent before that ghosts all looked at each other. "Nah" they all said in unison. "Ok, a bit rude. After everything we've been through!" Julie put her hand over her heart. "I thought we were better than that" she fake cried.

"You win some and you lose some" Luke said with a simple shrug. Earning a scoff from Julie and a hit in the chest from Adira. "Today just isn't my day, is it?" Luke mumbled. "Oh! I finally have some inspiration! I have to go" Julie jumped up and left quickly without a goodbye. Adira pulled away from Luke.

"Where are you going?" He whined. "I'm gonna go talk to Miliano. I haven't seen him in a while and I need to do something" Adira turned to see Luke already standing in front of her. The thing that she needed to do was a secret that she hasn't told anybody. Miliano and her were meeting up so he could give the latest information on Caleb. Adira was smart enough to know that Caleb doesn't just let things go.

"Stay here, please? Alex needs you" Luke pleaded. "What? No I ac-" Alex trailed off as he seen the look Luke's was giving him. "Reggie wants to hang out with you!" Luke was trying to use every excuse to get her to stay. "And what about you?" She asked with a slight smirk, her hands laid flat on his chest as his arms snaked around her waist. "What?" Luke whispered.

"Why do you want me to stay?" Adira knew the reason she just wanted to hear Luke say it. "Because I'll miss you and I want you to stay so when can cuddle" he whispered so the guys wouldn't make fun of him. "Stay, you know you want to. I can have Reggie and Alex leave. We could be alone" Luke's offer was so tempting to her. He gave her a quick peck on the lips and looked down at her with hopeful eyes.

"Fine" Luke cheered as she gave in. "But if we don't cuddle, I'll leave quicker that you can say "wait", understand?" Adira stepped back as she pointed a finger at him. "Yes ma'am" he saluted and walked over to the guys. While she walked over to the couch, taking a spot where she knows she'll be comfortable.

She saw the boys leave and Luke clapped his hands together as he sat down next to her, cuddling her in his side. "You know... the guys are gonna be gone for a while. Julie is in her room..." Luke trailed off as his fingers touched her thigh. "Oh, really? Hadn't noticed. But, what I did notice was that Ray and Carlos are home. And you happen to be very loud" Luke scoffed playfully before putting his lips on hers.

Adira responded with as much passion, her hand laying on his chest. Just as Luke started kissing on her neck, the garage door opened. "Guys! Oh, am I interrupting?" Julie wiggled her eyebrows at them. "Just one peaceful day" Luke groaned. "No, you're not. What's up?" Adira ignored Luke and got up to help Julie.

All Luke wanted was a peaceful day with the girl, but that clearly wasn't happening anytime soon.


So I was thinking about writing a lot more books. I was thinking about 2 Disney Descendants books, one for Ben and one for Jay. Then I was thinking about writing a Ricky Bowen book. I don't know. I would love if you guys could let me know so I know that won't be lookin stupid if I wrote them and nobody read them.

Thank you so much for all the reads❤️ these comments make my day, yall are funny.

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