Chapter 14

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We poofed into Bobby's house and started looking around. "Man, I wonder who Bobby's baby mama is?" I asked as I looked around in the living room. I turned my attention to Luke when I heard him scoff.

" Bobby's house is ridiculous. Have you seen his platinum records?" Alex asked as he came back. " Platinum?" Reggie repeated. I looked over at one of the records with Luke. " He recorded "My Name Is Luke! My name is Luke" Luke told the us.

" If that isn't a clear sign of song stealing, I don't know what is" I mumbled and then the door opened. " It's him!" Reggie said as we walked right by the stairs. Bobby stopped. "Hey, Carrie. I'm gonna meditate" he called out.

" He wears sunglasses indoors. I can't stand him" Reggie said to Luke. " If I could touch him, I'd kill him. He really has some nerve" I said.

" Time for his past to haunt him" Luke said and I nodded. We rushed up stairs but stopped when Alex said something. " Wait! Let's not rush this. You know, it my... Its my first time haunting someone. I wanna make it special" I nodded even though it sounded weird. "Where are you going?" Luke asked, I stopped and turned around. "There's one thing I have to do on my own" I said and pushed lashed them up the stairs.


Julie and Flynn finally made it to Carrie's house. As they ran to the front door they hurried and rang the doorbell. " Hey!" Julie and Flynn said in unison as Carrie opened the door. " What are you two doing here? How'd you get over the security gate?" Carrie asked with her usual snappy tone.

" Teamwork! Do you have a Band-aid? The barbed wires new" Julie chuckled as she showed her hands. " What do you want?" Carrie was done with the games. " Uh... Just thought you should know that Julie's band is playing at the dance tonight" Flynn came up with a quick lie. " Now you know" Julie followed her plan.

" You guys are acting weirder than usual" Carrie said as she looked between them weirdly. " Probably because we're thirsty. Can we come in for a glass of water?" Julie asked. "Ugh! Fine, if it'll make you leave faster. Don't break anything" Carrie opened the door a little wider to let them in.

While the boys were doing their own thing, Adira wanted to settle her own score with him. This was super personal to her. Friendships that were broken up because of him. All the hatred and anger that sat heavily on her chest for years, was because of Bobby.

She poofed into what she thought was his office. Adira looked around and stopped when she saw a picture on his desk. It was a picture of all of them, even herself. "You get me kicked out, but still have a picture of me like we're friends? How does that make sense?" She mumbled. All this anger bubbled up again and she smashed it to the ground. Looking around she tossed and threw a few things.

After taking a deep breath, she composed herself and poofed back to where the guys were. "You good?" Reggie asked, seeing as he noticed her first. "Totally. I feel a lot better now. That was something I needed to do for a long time" Adira exhaled. "Ok, one more thing" Luke said as they poofed away.


We poofed out to the backyard to see him leaving on his fancy helicopter. " Oh, quick! Let's moon him before he gets too far away" Reggie said enthusiastically but I immediately disagreed. " He can't see us" Alex said. "It's not for him, it's for us" Luke managed to convince him.

I sighed in relief as I saw Julie come out. "Avert your eyes, girl" I said as I held my hand in front of her. "So, did you have fun in there?" She asked sarcastically, but I nodded my head. I'm not gonna apologize for scaring him.

I Fell Again - Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now