Chapter 25

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It had been a few days since the night on the roof and Adira thought something happened to Luke because she noticed he was being weird around her. Not like, ignoring her, weird. More like, trying to always be near her or be with her all the time. Adira didn't mind it, of course, but she would like a little space every now and then so she could try to separate herself from her emotions involving Luke.

But Luke, on the other hand, was excited. He had just finished the song. Now all he had to do was get her alone so they could perform it and finally tell her how he feels about her. He had been seeing dream Adira a lot more. It was the stress and fear weighing on his mind, but dream Adira told him it was a good thing. It meant that he really liked her. Luke used her as a practice, which got pretty frustrating at times because he would wake up and not even notice it. So he's had to very awkwardly explain himself.

"I've got a spark in me" Luke turned to hear the soft singing of Adira coming as she entered the garage. Luke scrambled to hide his things and tried to act cool. "Hey, what are you doing?" Adira asked curiously as she walked up to him at the piano. "Me? Nothing, nothing. What's been up with you? See anybody? Talk to anybody?" Luke asked nervously.

"No, not really. I think Miliano and I are supposed to be hanging out later, if that's what you mean" Luke's smile dropped slightly, but it went unnoticed by her. "Oh, ok. That's cool. So, uh, what'd you need?" Adira started walking around and Luke quickly followed after her.

"Nothing. Julie just told Reggie, who told me that we have a gig!" Adira turned around to face Luke, who was standing close, not that she minded. "Oh, really? Where?" Adira loved seeing that light in his eyes when music was brought up. "Here!" She tried to keep the same happy energy after telling him, but he was confused.

"Why here? Doesn't her dad have, like, any connections?" Luke was a little bummed to say the least, but he was happy they got a gig. "I don't know. That's all Reggie told me. But, we have to pick a song, and soon. Apparently it's going on the internet for people to see" Luke nodded as he suddenly got an idea.

"Come with me" he offered out his hand. Alex and Reggie were out for the day, trying to find new things to wear, and Julie was going to be at school for awhile, this was his chance. "Where?" Adira asked curiously. "First, we're stopping by Julie's school to pick a song. Then, there's a song I need your help with" she didn't question it as she grabbed his hand, poofing to the school.


I've gotten so used to poofing around, that I forget I used to walk or bike everywhere. "I know that look" I looked over to see Luke staring at me with a smile. "What look?" I questioned. "That annoyed look. Walking isn't bad, you just have to get used to it again" I felt a squeeze on my hand and looked down to see Luke's and I hands intertwined together. I looked up and smiled brightly at him as we stopped at Julie's locker.

" Hey" I said first, making her jump. I also dropped Luke's hand. " Normal people don't do that. And ghosts definitely shouldn't" Julie replied with a tight lipped smile. " What are you doing here?" She crossed her arms over her chest. " We need to talk about what song we're gonna play tonight. I was thinking... "Great". How does that sound Adira?" I nodded as did Julie. She gave a slight wave and smile to her classmates and took out her phone.

" You're just gonna take a phone call while we're talking? Do you know how rude that is?" Luke asked with a sad look. " Hey! Thanks for calling. Otherwise, people might think I'm talking to myself" Julie looked expectantly at Luke. I hit him in the shoulder. " Your just gone take a phone call while we're talking?" I mocked Luke in my best impression voice of him. "I do not sound like that" he said with a slight scoff. "Yes you do" Julie and I said in unison.

" No. But, yea. I think "Great" is a... great choice" I smiled and nodded. This was great, now we just gotta rehearse. "Sweet. Well, I mean.. that's pretty much all we wanted to talk to you about. So..." Luke was getting ready to leave but I held his arm. "Actually, Julie, I just wanted to say thank you. We know we're not the easiest ghosts to work with, and the fact that you put up with us is a lot. I think you make us better" I said with a smile.

Julie has given us the opportunity to be seen by people when we play. She's given us chance after chance, we owe her a lot. " I think we make each other better. It's definitely a lot easier with another girl in the band" I noticed Julie look between Luke and I. It took me a minute to understand but I slightly looked over to see Luke smiling at me. I smiled back at him.

" Why don't you ditch? Let's go rehearse" I asked. Luke cleared his throat beside me. What does he want? I don't think her dad would care that she missed a few classes. I mean, her grades are fine.

" What? No. No. I promised dad, school first" Julie said in a serious tone. " Right. You were at school first, and now you're leaving to go rehearse. Come on, we can't do this without you" I looked like I was roping her into ditching.

" I can't. I... I told Nick I'd be his dance partner" I sighed, I was this close. " Hey, Julie!" I turned to see Nick coming this way. "And he's heading this way. Gotta go. By" Julie put her phone away as I stepped beside Julie to fully look at him. He looked nice.

" Hey!" Nick said excitedly. " Well, don't you look sharp" Luke said as he looked over Nick. "You ready for our big performance?" Obviously Nick couldn't hear us and was just talking to Julie. " Oh yea. Yea. We're gonna do great" I laughed as Julie tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. Something she does when she's nervous.

" I'm glad you're confident. Even after three classes, I still think I got worse. It's a good thing I got my secret weapon" my eyes widened in realization that Nick was flirting with her. "Uh-oh! I think somebody had a crush on Julie" Luke also noticed it to. But did Luke see that as a good thing or a bad? I still don't know if he likes Julie.

" Shut up" Julie said in a high voice. But Nick looked at her weirdly. Julie widened her eyes as she realized that she wasn't looking at Nick when she said it. " Um... Shut up!" Julie tried to play it off. " No, seriously, Molina. I... I... I'm nothing without you" Nick looked really red in the face. This kid is really trying, he's definitely a lot better when he's not with Carrie.

" Aww! Julie! I see why you like him now. He's a good kid" I looked over to see Luke mocking Nicks face and tried to even mimic how he was standing. " Shh. No. No, you're... You're gonna do fine" Julie shoved Nick back a little to try and get Luke to back off. " See you in there?" Julie said with a smile. I guess that was her next class.

" Yea. I'll be the guy trying not to make us look stupid" Nick said as Luke followed him. And when he was far away enough, Luke came back. "Julie, he so likes you! I mean that kid is definitely a lot better without Carrie. You've definitely gotten to know him, huh?" I teased with a smile.

" Boundaries" Julie said as she looked between Luke and I. " I'll see you guys after school" she started walking away. "Guess we'll just have to carry you tonight just like we always do! And I know you're smiling" Luke called out to her. "Kill it on the dance floor!" My laughing stopped as he grabbed my hand and had me dance with him.

" Let's go. We got some rehearsing to do" I said as I stared into his eyes and grabbed his hand, poofing home.

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