Chapter 5

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After they sang, I was back in Julie's room trying to get some sleep. "Julie's room is off limits" I said without even opening my eyes. "How does she do that?" Reggie groaned. "I'm not an idiot" I replied simply. "You guys need to leave before Julie comes home" I said as I opened my eyes once I felt somebody next to me. I opened my right eye to see Reggie next to me. I got up and sat at the edge of her bed.

"Mid- Adira, do you know what's in this box?" I looked over at Luke who was pointing to a box on Julie's shelf. "Why?" I asked. "I just wanna know" he said with a simple shrug. "When you were alive, did you have one?" Luke asked. I sighed, this boy is really getting on my last nerve.

"Do you really wanna know?" I asked with a small smile. He nodded his head and bit his lip to keep him from grinning. "None of your fucking business" I replied and his smile dropped while I smiled even brighter. "You walked right into that one" I said.

Suddenly, Julie walked through the door. "What are you guys doing in my room?" She caught the boys off guard. " Um..." the boys said in a high pitched voice. " We were looking for the kitchen?" Luke answered, but it came out like a question. " This... This can't happen. It's creepy. Get off my bed, please" Julie pointed at Reggie.

" Hey, Julie. What's in the box?" Luke pointed at the box on her shelf. " That's off-limits" she instructed. " Oh. Oh, ok. Girl stuff" he said in a high pitched voice. I raised a brow at him. " Oh, like butterflies and glitter?" Reggie asked.

" Oh, come on. Seriously? Adria was never like that and Julie's here. Have some respect. I'm so sorry about them" Alex apologized. "I always knew I liked you best" I walked over to him to stand beside him. Unfortunately there wasn't enough room on his left so I stood between him and Luke. " It's none of your business" Julie told Luke. " And yes, there might be some glitter" Reggie smiled, knowing that he was right.

" Ha! I finally picked something up!" Alex said proudly as he walked over to the bed, " and I dropped it" he sighed. "Is that your mom?" Luke asked curiously. "Yes, and it's my favorite picture of us. So if you break it it, I'll break you" Julie threatened as she took the photo away from our vision.

" Ok, well, sorry because we're kind of unbreakable at this point" Alex reminded her. "I don't get it. You guys can mess up my bed, pick up your instruments, but you can pick up other stuff?" Julie said in a confusing tone. I couldn't blame her, when I first became a ghost, it was hard. I remember the day I found out I could pick up my guitar, I was so happy.

" I know, right? It's hard. But for some reason, our instruments, easy" Luke agreed. " Yea, like super easy. Oh, and check out what I learned today" Reggie stood up suddenly, his guitar then appeared in his hands. " Yea, that looked super easy" Julie said sassily as we watched Reggie groan from almost dropping on the floor.

" It's like I always thought, our instruments are attached to our souls" Luke didn't even pay attention to Reggie. Suddenly we heard footsteps and a knock at the door. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked over to see Luke holding hands with Alex, who quickly dropped his hand. I gave Luke a look and smacked his hand off my shoulder.

" Hey. Everything ok?" Julie's dad walked in. "Yea, I'm fine" Julie played cool. Luke winced as he gave me a hurt look as he rubbed his hand. I shrugged innocently, don't touch me and you won't get hit.

" Ok. I thought I heard you talking to someone" her dad shrugged his shoulders. " Nope. Must've been my laptop, that I just closed" she pointed to her laptop then back at her dad. " Ok. If you need anything..." he chuckled quietly as he motioned his hand to knock on the door. " Yea, thanks" Julie turned back to us.

I Fell Again - Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now