Chapter 13

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We were rehearsing in Julie's garage, "One more time" Luke instructed as we played the melody. Right when we finished, Alex appeared. "Hey, Alex" I said with a small wave.

" Where have you been?" Reggie asked cheerfully. "Where you been, man. We need to stop practicing" Alex looked confused.

" Yea? For what?" He asked. Then, Flynn also walked in. " Dance news! I don't have a date" her smiled dropped as she walked in. "Girl, who are you telling? I haven't had a date in 26 years" I said, even though she couldn't hear me. Julie looked at me and laughed.

" Nothing. Adira and the guys are here. Adira said she agreed with you about not having a date. She hadn't been on a date in 26 years" Flynn nodded. " Is she the first ghost you saw?" Julie nodded. "Oh, ok. I definitely like her" I smiled and sat down.

" Back to what I was saying. I don't care that I don't have a date because I'm so psyched to see you guys perform" Alex groaned. " Ah, man. We're playing a dance?" Luke sat down in the chair next to me.

" At least we have a gig" I tried to be positive. "Of course, dude. That's how we get a following nowadays" Luke said as he looked at me and smiled. I looked at him weirdly but smiled back. What's up with this kid?

" Yea. Get with the program, Alex" Julie chuckled. " Hey, guys!" Flynn waved excitedly. " Other way, sweetie" Julie corrected. Flynn looked at us and waved. Alex, Reggie, and I all waving back.

" Ok, well, now that Alex has graced us with his presence, can we start working?" Luke asked. "Yes! We're gonna rehearse. You wanna stick around?" Julie asked Flynn. Flynn looked like she was contemplating something. "I'm supposed to blow up 500 balloons for the school dance, but this sounds way better" Flynn agreed to stay here.

Then Carlos walked in. "Yea, we won't be rehearsing soon" I said to Luke. He smiled and shook his head. "Hey, Julie. Remember those orbs in Dad's pictures? I... I think they're ghosts. But don't worry. This room is... is... This room is clean. I'm not getting the ghost tingles" Carlos said as he looked around. "Wrong again, little dude" Reggie said as he laughed.

" Have no fear. If they come back, I will protect you, because I am the man of the house" he reassured Julie. I smiled as I tried to stifle my laugh. " He's adorable" I said. "Isn't Dad supposed to be the man of the house?" Julie asked. "There can be two" he said sheepishly. "My boy, Carlos, y'all better watch for him, we gonna catch one of you" I said in a teasing manner.

" Besides, Dad needs all the help he can get, right?" Julie laughed. Then he pulled something out of his pocket. "According to the internet, salt burns their souls out. A little sprinkle will keep them from ever coming in here" the guys looked around and Julie even had her eyes slightly widened.

Carlos sprinkled the salt against the floors, Luke and Reggie jumping slightly. Luke tried to grab me and pull me to him so I could stand in the way, but I smacked his hand. The last sprinkle hit Alex. " No! Oh god, I'm... I'm fine. I'm fine. Totally fine" Alex took a deep breath with a smile. Wow, how did any of us ever become friends again?

Julie cleared her throat at Flynn and gestured for her to get Carlos. " Oh! Carlos, you know who's hungry? Me. Salt me a path to the kitchen" Carlos nodded as he grabbed the pictures and salted her a path to the kitchen.

" Should we try this again?" Julie turned her attention back to us. " Yes, please. But remind us later, there's some Sunset Curve songs we want to show you" Luke said as he pulled me up with him. " Oh, show me now" Julie said intrigued.

Luke walked over to get his book. "Did you do it?" I whispered. "Oh, yea. I think he'll love it" I nodded in agreement as we were talking about his country songs. "Home is where my horse is? Reggie, stop putting your country songs in my journal" I laughed as Reggie walked up to him. "That was a gift" Reggie said a little offended. "Thanks, buddy" Luke patted his shoulder and handed Julie his book.

I Fell Again - Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now