Chapter 28

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The ghosts were back in the garage, sad and angry. But mostly sad. How were they going to play the Orpheum?

Reggie and Alex sat on the couch while Adira sat in the chair with Luke sitting in between her legs. "I still think we should tell Julie" Reggie said first. "No, we can't and won't" Adira said sharply. "But why? You know better than anybody that the truth is always better" Reggie pointed out.

"Ok, say that you're right. Are we gonna tell her that you guys messed up and now she has to pay the price? That she had to lose her band? Who wants to tell her? Be my guest" she pointed at the door. Nobody moved. "Can we not fight? It's been a long day. And we're all a little cranky right now so let's all be quiet or we'll probably say something we'll regret" nobody could believe that Luke was being the voice of reason right now.

Adira huffed and took off Luke's beanie to run her fingers through his hair. It gave her something to do and kept her mind occupied and Luke knew it too. "Adira never died with us" Alex mumbled to himself. "What was that, Alex?" Reggie asked. "Adira never died with us. So... her unfinished business is different from ours" Alex realized. Everyone then turned to Adira, awaiting her answer.

"Yea, I guess I don't know what my unfinished business is" she really couldn't say much when she was put on the spot like that. "What were you going to do the night we all died?" Luke looked up at her. "I was going to see you guys perform" Adira answered. "So, what was the one thing you wanted to do?" Reggie asked her. One thing was for sure, they weren't going to leave Adira behind. If she didn't crossover, then they weren't going to crossover.

"I wanted to play the Orpheum, like you guys. When I got kicked out, I was in the process of trying to get a band together. But that couldn't have been it, because I didn't want a new band" they all nodded slowly. The boys didn't want to think that she was lying, but they were scared she was putting up a front just so she could get them to not worry about her. But, Adira knew that playing the Orpheum wasn't her unfinished business.

"I don't think we can do it, guys. I mean, the Orpheum? The amount of hard work, sacrifices, blood, sweat, tears, and not to mention, years it took to get us that gig was almost to much. How are we supposed to do it in a few days? If that?" Alex asked. But nobody knew how to answer, how could they? They were all thinking the same thing, Alex was the only one who said it.

"We can do it. If we get Willie and Miliano to help. Then, we can tell Julie, and... BAM! We're play the Orpheum!" Luke tried to get their spirits up, but it was just a really bad night for all of them. Alex was upset at Willie. Reggie might have to say goodbye to Ray. Luke realized he might never get to play again. And, Adira will have to say goodbye to Julie. The girl that has helped her feel alive again.

"We're screwed" Adira mumbled as her fingers started playing with Luke's hair again. They all felt terrible, to simplify their feelings. And Luke couldn't stop thinking about how he wasted so much time being scared to tell Adira how he felt, and now it might be too late to be something with her.

It was late at night, Alex and Reggie had just went to sleep. Adira sat at the desk drawing and Luke watched her from his spot on the couch. She thought she was the only one awake, but the sound of footsteps made her look over.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Luke already knew, he just wanted to start a conversation. "Drawing. It eases my nerves. Which I have a huge case of that right now" Adira chuckled lightly. Although, Luke didn't find it funny as he grabbed her hand so she could look at him. He was sitting on the desk and he pulled her up so she could stand in between his legs.

"I know that this is the worst time to say this, but... I may never get the chance to say it... I love you. I never realized it before, but I had a dr-" Luke's ramble was cut off with a pair of lips on his. Luke instantly responded, he loved the feeling of her being close, of her lips on his.

Adira felt like the kiss was long overdue. And it felt good to finally be able to say this. "I love you too. I loved you back then. But I will say I fell out of it so fast when you kicked me out" Luke laughed as he rested his forehead on hers. "But I fell in love again" Luke pressed his lips to hers once more.

Luke's lips moved away from hers and moved down to her neck. "Luke" Adira whispered. His hands gripped her waist, pulling her body flush against his. She tilted her head back so he could have more access as her hands went under his shirt. He took off his flannel and Adira took off her jacket. "Wait" Adira said as she pulled away. "As much as I love where this is going, I think this should continue somewhere else. If Reggie and Alex weren't here... then we definitely wouldn't be having this conversation" Luke blushed as she said that.

"Oh, so... where are we going?" Luke asked as Adira scoffed playfully and hit him in the shoulder. Adira got real close and whispered in his ear. "Luke, you couldn't handle me" she pulled back to see him stunned. That facial expression made her night a lot better.

"So, let's take it easy for now" he nodded and looked away for a moment. "Can we continue kissing?" Adira laughed softly. She pressed her lips back to his. Kissing each other felt like when they played music, it set them free. His hands slid up to her bare skin. Luke found everything about her right now tempting.

"Ok, we definitely have to stop or we will have to go somewhere" Adira pulled away. Luke smiled and walked away just to come back with a blanket and sat in the chair. "What? You want me to sit on your lap?" Luke bit his lip to contain his smile. She rolled her eyes playfully but sat on his lap anyway.

As Adira went back to drawing, Luke wrapped the blanket around them both as he leaned against her. Every once in a while, Adira would get distracted and lean against Luke because he would kiss her neck. It practically took all her willpower to pull away from him.

Once she decided that she was ready for bed, Luke grabbed her hand and led her over to the couch. "You have to learn the sacred art of sharing" Adira said as she pulled the blanket over her. "Why? You always come cuddle me anyway" Luke pointed out. "Well, I like being warm and comfy. And this blanket can provide both. I suggest you watch it or you'll be sleeping by yourself" Adira said playfully.

"So sassy" he mumbled as he quickly kissed her. "You're lucky you're cute" she mumbled as she instantly cuddled up to him. "So... earlier, before I cut you off, did you say you had a dream about me?" Luke's eyes widened. "I did. It was the night we bailed on the dance. I was so close to kissing you, or what I thought was you. Then, dream you told me I was dreaming. Let me tell you, I was so mad it was a dream" Adira laughed loudly before Luke shushed her.

"Sorry. Aw, Luke! You dream about me?" She teased. Luke clicked his tongue and turned away from her. "Are you mad?" She laughed slightly as she poked his back a little. "Fine. Be like that" she faced away from him and pulled the covers closer. Either way, with Luke or without, she was still going to sleep.

Not even a few minutes later, Luke's arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her back to his chest. "I knew it" Adira whispered. Luke smiled and kissed her neck before falling asleep.


I wasn't gonna publish this till tomorrow, but I felt like it was only fair to do a follow up on Luke and Adira. But unsaid Emily is next and we'll see some good and bad next chapters.

Can we get a finally? I mean, it felt like it took them for forever. I loved writing the kissing scene, it felt like something Luke would do, in my opinion. But the book is almost over, if you guys have any recommendation chapters for when this is over, please comment them.

Thank you guys so much for all the love and support ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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