Chapter 30

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Adira and Julie walked up the driveway to Luke's house. "Are you sure about this?" Adira asked as they were at the door. "No. But I'm already here" Julie said. As she was getting ready to know on the door, Luke appeared. "Same, I don't wanna back out now" Adira mumbled.

"Julie? Adira? What're you guys doing here?" Luke's body faced Julie, but his eyes were on Adira. Adira thought she screwed up, but she's trying. "I... I wanted to know more about you. I've also noticed that you've been upset these last couple of days and we wanna help" Julie tried her best to explain quickly, but Luke still wasn't convinced.

" I came here last week on your birthday" Julie admitted nervously. " You were spying on me? After all your speeches about boundaries? You were spying on me?" Luke stepped closer to Adira who slightly stepped back. But not because she was scared.

" It's not her fault" Adira said as she stood next to Julie. " The guys and I brought her here, ok? If you're gonna blame anybody, blame us" Luke felt a little betrayed, why didn't she just tell him? Adira knew that he knew, that what she meant was that he should blame her if he was going to blame anybody. After all, she was the one who Luke confided in most of the time with his parents.

" Look, I'm sorry, it was wrong. But we're really worried about you" Julie said as she stepped next to Adira. "You don't have to be" Luke said but his eyes never once left Adira's. And Julie noticed.

"I get it. We get it. Ok? How hard it is when you want to speak to someone you love and can't. I feel that way everyday" Julie said as she stepped closer to the door. " I don't even know what I'd say to her, even if she could hear me" Luke sighed as he looked at the door nervously.

"Yes, you do. You've already said it. Now, sing it" Adira encouraged as she took his hand and moved it to press the doorbell. As she was going to drop his hand, Luke didn't let go and intertwined their hands.

"Hello. Can I help you?" Luke's dad answered the door. "Hi. I'm Julie. I believe you had a son named Luke?" Julie introduced herself. "Yes, that's right. What'd you say your name was again?" His dad asked. "Julie Molina. Um... your son's band used to play in my family's garage?" When his dad didn't reply, Julie held out a piece of paper.

" I... I came across this song that he wrote and figured you might be interested?" Julie thought that he was going to take the paper and she'd leave, but he invited her in. Julie turned back to the door to encourage Luke and Adira to come inside.

" Is this your son?" Julie asked as she held up a baby picture of Luke. But, she already knew the answer. "Yea, thats Luke. When he was two. The next picture is one of him and his old friend, Adira. That's when they went to prom together" Julie smiled as she picked up the picture. "Do you have any other children?" Another question Julie already knew the answer to.

"No" Mitch replied. "Did I hear the doorbell" Luke's mom came into view. "Hi, hon. This is Julie" Mitch introduced. "Hello, Julie. That's a beautiful sweater" she complimented. "Thanks. It's my mom's" Julie gave her a small smile.

"Julie lives in the house where Luke and the band rehearsed. She was just telling me she found a song that Luke wrote" they turned their attention back to her. "It's a song about a girl named Emily?" Julie tried to play confused.

" I'm Emily" Luke's mom stepped forward. "Then, I think he wrote this for you" Julie handed her the paper and as they began to read it, Luke started to sing.

"First things first
We start the scene in reverse
All of the lines rehearsed
Disappeared from my mind"

Luke's parents hands became shaky as they read.

"When things got loud
One of us running out
I should have turned around
But I had too much pride"

Adira and Luke remembering the moments and events that lead up to him leaving and even writing the song.

"No time for goodbyes
Didn't get to apologise
Pieces of a clock that lies broken"

The tears were something Adira couldn't hold back. She knew that this song was very emotional and she related to it.

"If I could take us back
If I could just do that
And write in every empty space
The words I love you in replace
And every time would not erase me
If you could only know
I never let you go
And the words I most regret
Are the ones I never meant to leave
Unsaid Emily"

Adira remembered walking in the garage one day to catch Luke writing the song. Or trying to. She found him crying. This was all before she was kicked out.

"Silent days
Mysteries and mistakes
Who'd be the first to break
Guess we're alike that way"

Julie started to tear up with how emotional it was.

"He said, she said
Conversations in my head
And that's just where they're gonna stay forever"

Luke looked over at Adira slightly. He remembered writing in the garage and looking over to find her asleep on the couch. And he would grab a blanket and sit next to her to continue writing.

"If I could take us back
If I could just do that
And write in every empty space
The words I love you in replace
Then maybe time would not erase me
If you could only know
I never let you go
And the words I most regret
Are the ones I never meant to leave
Unsaid Emily"

As Adira heard him sing, she began to think about the people in her life. She thinks that everybody had an unsaid Emily.

"If I could take us back
If I could just do that
And write in every empty space
The words I love you in replace
Then maybe time would not erase me
If you could only know
I never let you go
And the words I most regret
Are the ones I never meant to leave
Unsaid Emily"

By the end of the song, there wasn't a dry eye left in the room.

Adira and Luke took deep breaths and blinked away their tears. "Thank you" Emily said through her sobs. Adira looked over at Luke and used her free hands to wipe away some of the tears. She was proud of Luke.

" You... you have no idea..." Mitch couldn't find the words and neither could Emily. " I wrote music in the same room he did, and I can tell you it is a magical and happy place" Julie said with a smile. Adira looked at Luke as he dropped my hand. "That is so nice to know" Mitch said through sniffles.

" I know he was only 17 when he... But he loved doing the one thing he was born to do. Not many people find that, but Luke did. He was lucky" Luke looked at Adira and gave her a sad smile as he poofed away.

"Julie, can you ask them if they still talk to my dad?" Adira asked as she took off her ring and the song she wrote her dad. "Do you guys know Adira King's parents?" Julie asked as she held her hand out slightly behind her so she could put the items in her hand. "Of course. Luke's birthday was last week and her dad came over" Emily said.

" Tell them to give it to him" Adira said as she wiped my tears away, again. " I found this in what I think is her bag. It's a song and ring. Can you give this to him?" Julie held the song and ring out. "Sure. Thank you so much" Adira didn't stay longer, she had to find Luke.

I Fell Again - Luke PattersonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu