Chapter 21

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The guys and Adira were sitting in the coffee shop. Reggie kept messing with some random lady. " Oh, great angle. Yea" Reggie complimented even though she couldn't hear him. " Now that's a good pic" Reggie stared intensely.

" Is this what we're here for? To watch people take pictures of food?" Alex pointed at the lady. " It's fun. Watch this. People never stop looking at their phones" Reggie messed with the plate in front of the woman. Then the lady looked around, got up and left. " Luke said something about this being a hot spot for music industry" Reggie also added a reason why they're there.

"So why exactly am I here? I quit the band, remember?" Adira asked. "Well, you're still our friend, so we want you around" Reggie said to her. Luke looked over at Adira once he heard her laughed. If his life couldn't get any worse, he messed up with her again.

He hurried and added the bands name to the list as he sat in between Alex and Reggie, sitting close to Adira. "Adira, boys, being a ghost definitely has its privileges" Luke tried to put on arm over her shoulder, but she shrugged it off. " I just wrote our names on the playlist for tonight" Reggie smiled slightly at him.

" I'm getting a little worried about him" Alex whispered to Reggie. " He keeps forgetting Julie and Adira quit the band!" Alex this time said louder so that Luke knew. "She's gonna come back as soon as she knows we have a great gig" Luke countered. Luke tried again, this time he wrapped and arm around her waist. He smiled slightly to himself when she didn't move. But it was just because Adira didn't have the strength to keep pushing him off, she was tired.

" But if she doesn't come back, let's not forget, we do have somewhere else we can play and eat pizza" Reggie reminded them of Caleb's offer. Adira was never going back there, she didn't like him.

" Dude, I know. It was awesome to be seen by lifers at Caleb's party, but... but we got this with Julie and Adira. We don't need him" no sooner as he said that, the group felt the jolts again. Causing all of them to groan.

" Oh! It's the same thing again!" Alex said through a fit of coughs. " Just like Friday" Adira groaned. " It feels like that time I was fixing my amp in the rain" Alex looked over at him. "Wow, Reggie you sure are something special" Adira mumbled. She felt Luke's hand tighten around her waist.

" Do you guys think somethings wrong with us? I mean all this started after we left Caleb's party" Adira turned to Luke. "Yea, we ate 10 pounds of pizza without a stomach. I'm sure it's our bodies working through it" Luke reassured. But Adira guess he forgot about her. She didn't go to the club, she didn't eat, all she did was bring the boys back.

" So we're just gonna forget about getting back at Trevor? That jerk stole our music" Reggie brought back the topic. " If you remember, getting back at Trevor is why you guys are in this situation with Julie" Adira reminded them.

" Trevor had to live with that guilt. Julie was right, we have new and better songs with her. A new band, a new sound, ok? That's what we should be focusing on" Luke said. "Hey, isn't that Willie?" Alex pointed at the window and got up to follow him. "No doubt, Miliano is somewhere right behind him" Luke muttered. But he had no idea how wrong he was. Willie was still avoiding Miliano, and he was getting concerned.

" Well, someone's not focusing on our music" Reggie said as he laughed. Adira hit him in the shoulder. "Oh, please. You guys would kill to be looked at the way Alex looks at Willie" Adira joked and looked over at Luke to see him already staring at her. "You have no idea" Luke mumbled quickly as he averted his eyes. He noticed he was becoming more nervous around Adira when she was close. And he didn't know how to feel about it.


I was waiting for Julie to get home in her room. "Finally! Girl, I have been waiting for forever!" I exclaimed as Julie jumped. "Stop doing that. Anyway, can we talk later? I have to go down to the garage. I forgot a few things" I tried to protest but she was already gone. Oh boy.

Julie sighed as she seen the guys. "We're sorry" Reggie sang first. " So sorry" Alex sang next. "We're super-duper, crazy, stupid sorry" Luke finished as he got down on one knee.

"This is gonna end badly" I muttered. Do they ever learn? " In case you missed it, we're really sorry" Reggie apologized to her.

" Yea. I... I got that part" Julie took a step closer while I took a step back so the guys could look at me. I tried to signal for them to stop. The last thing Luke needs today is being yelled at. "We've been here for, like, three hours" Alex sighed. " Yup" Reggie agreed as he and Alex high-fived.

" We almost sang to your little brother" Luke said as he stood up. I shook my head at him. "He comes in here a lot. Mainly to use the bathroom" Reggie added. " It's not our favorite part of the day" Alex also said. I was still getting ignored and what's making this worse is that they could see me telling them to stop.

" Julie, it wasn't ok that we flaked on the dance. We know we let you down" Luke started the worded apology they came up with. " Yea, and none of us wanted to disappoint you. You're the best thing that's happened to us since we became ghosts" Alex sincerely apologized.

I couldn't even stop them as Luke handed her the flyer, asking Julie to re-join the band. "Tons of managers go there to listen to new bands. All we gotta do is blow them away, and we're living the dream" Luke tried to convince her.

" So this means a lot to you, huh?" Julie asked. Luke nodded. I stepped closer to stand next to Alex and Reggie. " Kind of how playing in front of my whole entire school meant a lot to me" I could practically feel Luke's smile drop. "Sounds like sarcasm" Reggies eyes widened in realization. " I'm starting to think our plan isn't working" Reggie leaned over and whispered.

"Oh my gosh. Who told you guys this was a good idea?" I said. " Look, we know we messed up" Alex tried to be the voice of reason. "But we need you in the band" Luke looked over at me and back to Julie.

" Of course you do, because without me, no one can see you guys playing. You know, I thought that the music we were writing was special, but you're too obsessed with your past to even care" Julie called Luke out. " I do care. Our band has a real chance at greatness. I'm not gonna let that get away from us again" Luke tried to show Julie that he really cared. And he does. Luke genuinely cares, he just has to show it. Words only mean so much, especially to a girl like Julie.

" Uh-huh. Right. So then why did you bail on me to get back at Trevor? I'll tell you why. 'Cause there's only one thing you care about, and that's yourself" Julie walked away.

" Julie! Come on you know that's not true!" I tried to call after her, but she was already gone. " She didn't mean it" Alex said softly. " Luke, come on. She doesn't know" I tried to grab his hand, but he was already gone.

" Where's he going?" Reggie asked. "Where do you think?" I turned back to the guys. "Remember what today is?" Alex added.

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