Chapter 3

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" Guys! Guys! Stop! Cut it out!" Julie yelled over them. " The whole neighborhood can hear you. I thought I told you to leave?" She shouted at them. " Wait. People can hear us play?" Luke asked surprised. " Yes! And so did my dad and brother!" She shouted, but not loud enough for anybody to come out to the garage.

" W- W- Wait. Wait. So only you can see us, but everyone can hear us?" Alex asked next. " I mean what kind of ghosts are we?" He asked confused. " Who cares, man? People can hear us play!" Luke said excitedly, giving everybody a fist bump. " We might be dead, but our music isn't" Reggie gave Luke a high five. Then Julie's dad came in.

" Hey. Just making sure you're ok" he looked over at the set up. " Yea, I'm fine. I just had to turn off the CD player" Julie tried distracting her dad. " Wait. Is this the junk that was in the loft?" He asked, surprised at how nice it was. "Junk?" Adira and Luke said in unison. They definitely weren't on speaking terms, but her guitar was laid out as well. It definitely wasn't junk. The ghosts watched as her dad played with Alex's drum set.

" Some of this stuff's in pretty good shape. Hey, maybe we can make a couple bucks" he suggested happily. " What? Yo, stop touching my drums. Tell him to stop touching my drums" Alex and the rest of the band pointed to Julie. " I like that song you had on" her dad came to face her.

" Sweet! We're Sunset Curve" Luke probably liked him a lot better now. " Tell your friends" Reggie added, again. " It's just an old CD I found" Julie tried to dismiss it. " Well, it's nice that you're listening to music again. Out here you can play whatever you want, whenever you want" Julies's dad swung his arms in Luke and Reggie.

" Oh! That's nice!" Reggie said happily. "Stay our of this" Julie forgot she's the only one who can see the ghosts, again. " I'm sorry, honey. I didn't..." Julie had realized what she said. " Oh no, no, no, no. Not you. I mean... Uh... Er. You know give me a minute" Julie dragged her dad to the door.

" He likes our song" Luke was happy. " Oh, well, he doesn't count. He's a dad" Alex dismissed it. " Why can't you guys just be normal ghosts?" Julie asked them. " Hang out at an old mansion. I hear Pasadena's nice" Julie have a suggestion and left.

"I think she's warming up to us" Alex said with a sarcastic smile. "I've always wanted to go to Pasadena" Reggie said, not realizing that Alex was using sarcasm. "I'll go talk to her" Adira said as she got off the couch. "You're gonna let us stay here if she agrees?" Luke definitely didn't see that coming, especially with the outburst she had a few minutes ago. "No. I'm gonna convince her to let Alex stay" she gave him a sarcastic smile before snapping her fingers and poofing out.

"That's the nicest thing she said to you since she saw you. I think she's warming up to you again" Alex tried to tease but he knew Adira and knew that she needed time. If they had questions then he knows she would help, but she just doesn't forgive and forget.

" Stop that. I'm serious" she had a firm tone. "I'm sorry" Adira apologized. " What do you want?" She crosses her arms over her chest. "Don't use that tone with me. I'm on your side" Adira reminded as she sat on Julie's bed. " Yea, it's just I've had a really, really awful day. I got kicked out of music" Julie mumbled. "Jules, I'm so sorry. I didn't know. We can talk about this later" Adira wasn't going to add a list of problems to the human.

"Well,... You're already here. Just tell me" Julie pleaded, she wanted to get out of her head. "Look, I know it's hard enough to live with one ghost. But, those guys have nowhere to go. As much as it pains me to say this, please let them stay? Or at least, Alex? He's the most responsible out of them" Julie could tell they had history with each other. But the look on Adira's face said that she wasn't ready to talk about it.

I Fell Again - Luke PattersonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang