Chapter 2

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"What? No. No, no, no. Th- Th- That's impossible. After we floated out of the ambulance, all we did was go to that weird dark room where Alex cried" Reggie stuttered. Adira smirked, she hated to admit it, but, watching the guys struggle was a little fun. Actually, she didn't hate to admit it, watching them be confused and struggle was definitely funny.

" Well... I don't think... I think we were all pretty upset. Ok" Alex tried to disagree in a high pitched voice. " But that was just for like an hour. We just showed up here" we all turned back to her. " Look. I'm just telling you what my phone says. See? You died in 1995. When you were 17. It's now 2020" She held up her phone so they could read. Luke's eyes widened in shock. "This is the future?" Reggies asked.

" So, it's been 25 years? I've been crying for 25 years? How is that possible?" Alex yelled. "Well, you're a very emotional person" Reggie tried to reason. " I am not!" Alex almost had tears in his eyes again. " I though you were afraid to come out here. Talking to your ghost friend? How does he look? Is he hideous?" Carlos came out.

"Julie, you best tell him to come correct. You know I'm beautiful" Adira said from the couch as she accidentally made eye contact with Luke. He tried to give her a small wave but she just flipped him off.

" He can see you" Alex joked on Reggie. " No, he can't" Julie disagreed. " What?" Her brother looked around. " Uh.. What do you want?" She tried changing the subject. " A normal sister, for starters. Stop being weird and come eat" he demanded and walked away.

" He couldn't see you" Julie said confused. "Yea, that's how ghosts work" Alex cleared his throat. " Look, I'm very sorry for what happened to you guys, but this isn't your studio anymore. You have to leave" she turned around and was ready to leave.

" But wait. We... we didn't get your name" Luke called out to her. " It's Julie" she said with a sharp tone. " Cool. I'm Luke" he tried to walk forward but Julie held out the cross. " I'm Reggie", " I'm Alex" boys introduce themselves. "That's Adira" Julie pointed at the girl on the couch. The she left.

" Julie seems nice" Reggie said in a upbeat tone. Alex groans, " did you miss the part where she kicked us out or... Yes? Ok" Alex turned around and Adira got off the couch to hug him. "It's been so long!" Alex said as he picked her up and spun her around. He set her back down with a smile on her face.

Reggie walked over and tried to give her a hug but she held her hand out, her hand colliding with his chest. They weren't friends, they weren't band mates, they were nothing. A hurt look appeared across Reggie's face. "Only for Alex? Rude" Reggie mumbled sadly.

Adira gave Alex a smile as she walked to the couch and shut her eyes, pretending that they weren't there. "How'd you die? When did you die?" Luke asked at the closed eyed girl. He really was in that room for a long time because he forgot how petty she could be.

"How'd you die? And, when did you die?" Alex repeated Luke's questions, knowing how to deal with the girl. " I died by being hit by a car the night you were supposed to play the Orpheum. I knew I shouldn't have went" Adira mumbled the last sentence but the guys heard it.

"No way! We died that night too! We died by a hotdog" Adira wanted to laugh and asked how it happened but she wasn't on speaking terms with two of them at the moment. "Later, Alex" she snapped her fingers as she poofed away.

"You think she's still mad about kicking her out of the band?" Reggie asked nervously. "You think? It's been 25 years and you guys tried to act like nothing happened" Alex said. He was still mad, he just tended to keep it under better control. "C'mon, let's go check out the house" Luke tried to change the subject. He was starting to feel a little hurt. Luke actually wanted to talk to her after they played the Orpheum. He wanted to clear the air, well, Alex actually convinced him to clear the air with her.


I poofed into the kitchen to see the Molina family having dinner. Julie saw me and gave me a small wave, also subtly asking if everything was ok. "It's all good. Nothing to worry about" I reassured, but a sudden noise I heard coming from the front door made me realize that I spoke to soon.

Alex, Luke, and Reggie all walked through the front door and looked around. I really wish Luke and Reggie would leave. Alex can stay. Julie was eating and the guys tried to walk over there but she screamed, making them stop right where they're at. " That's me. Ripping off the Band-Aid" Julie chuckled awkwardly. Her brother joining in. " There's my brave girl!" Victoria said. I liked messing with her, Julie always told me to leave her alone, but I think it's fun. She may be a little over energetic, but, she cares about them a lot.

" Hey, I'm really liking what you've done with the place" Luke tried to compliment her. " You shouldn't be here" she responded. I guess she forgot she's the only one that can see or hear us. Her aunt gasped. Luke stepped back slowly. " Uh, I think that's our cue to leave" Alex said as I nodded. Julie tried to comfort her aunt, but sent a sharp look the boys way. " We should've called first" Reggie apologized and went back to the garage.

"Don't worry, Julie. I'm try to keep them quiet" I gave her a small smile before snapping my fingers and poofed to the garage. I don't understand why I keep snapping my fingers when I poof out. I can just go. It's a habit I need to break.

I sighed as I poofed into the garage, running a hand over my face. It's been a long day. "What did Julie say?" Reggie asked but I just ignored them and sat down on the couch. "C'mon, Midnight, you can't ignore us forever" Luke said. At the mention of my nickname, I sat up with an angry expression on my face. Nobody had called me Midnight in such a long time. The only one who has was, Julie. She eventually got tired of calling my by my middle name and started calling me by my first name. Although, she would switch it up a few times.

Luke's smile dropped instantly at the sight of my annoyed face. "None of you have the right to call me that, not anymore. Only Alex can, understand? We're not friends, we're not band mates. We mean nothing to each other, got it?" I spoke venomously. "Adira, come on, can't you just drop it? Forgive and forget?" Reggie asked in his usual happy tone. I never understood why he was always so happy.

"Forgive and forget?" I repeated with a scoff. Boy, they had some nerve. "Easy to say when you weren't betrayed by people you thought of as family. People that you care deeply for, would do anything for. You guys kicked me out of the band, and now you wanna act like nothing happened? Yea, kiss my ass" I said as I sat down on the couch. Awkward tension filled the room, nobody knowing what to say. But me? I could say plenty.

These guys were my friends, my band. Years of friendship down the drain over something that they wrongfully accused me of. Hearing their instruments made me open my eyes. Julie will definitely be down here in a second. It was weird hearing anything other than a acoustic guitar playing softly. Julie or anybody else never came in here so it was just me strumming a guitar for a month.

And Julie did come out, with a record time as well. This just got a little more interesting. I'm definitely ready to see how this plays out.

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