Chapter 19

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"The audacity! The audacity for them to bail on Julie like that! After everything she's been through to play again, that's ridiculous" Adira needed somebody she could talk to about this mess who wasn't biased. That one person was Miliano.

He doesn't know about the stamp Caleb gave them, and Willie has yet to tell him. "Yea, things have been weird and awkward for me as well. After the guys left the club, Willie had been ignoring me" Miliano furrowed his brows as he talked. He needed to get some things off his chest.

"But, back to you. Tell me more about this dance situation" Adira slightly smiled at him. It was nice to have somebody listen to you for a change. "The guys promised to be there. And then they ditched Julie for some revenge. I warned them not be late. And you know what makes me so mad? There was a giant clock sitting right in front of them the entire time they were there!" Adira explain.

"It blows my mind that they could seriously do that to Julie. After everything she's been through, done for them. Done with them, they still abandoned her. And now she's so embarrassed to be seen at her school" she took a deep breath and looked over at Miliano to see him already looking at her. "What?" She asked.

"Why do you do that?" He asked her, which made her confused. "Do what?" Adira watched him shake his head at her. "You act like your feelings aren't valid in this situation. You're acting like you're not hurt or upset at this" he explained.

"I am upset. Jul-" Miliano cut her off. "I'm not talking about being upset just because Julie's upset. They were your band mates. Your friends. This effects you too. Adira, I know I haven't known you for long, but... you're acting like Julie's feelings come first" she didn't understand. It was Julie who was most effected by what the guys did, she was the one who was the most upset.

"In this situation, they kind of do. The guys were her band. Her friends" she explained. But he laughed at her. "Did you miss what I said? They were also your band and friends. It's ok to be upset and still care about other peoples feelings. What's not ok is dismissing your feelings about a situation" it was Adira's turn to laugh.

"What?" He asked. "You sounded very wise right there" she burst out laughing and he did too. "Well, am I wrong? You were learning to trust the guys again. You let them back in, just for them to break your trust all over again. Your feelings matter, Adira" he said with so much sincerity, she didn't know how to react. Adira grabbed his hand and laid her head on his shoulder.

"You never told me how you died" she mumbled. "What?" He asked. "You never told me how you died" she repeated. "Oh! Well, you know how Willie and I are so close? He died about a week before me, in a skating accident. I also had a skating accident" he said with a smile, even though he was still a little sad about it.

"It's nice... talking to you, Miliano" Adira said with a smile. "It's nice talking to you, pretty lady" Adira groaned which caused him to laugh. "We've got to change that" she said. "Why? It suits you. Plus, you called me handsome. I think you like it" he teased.

"Whatever. Go skate somewhere. I'll see you soon" she winked at him before snapping her fingers and poofing into her dads house.

She poofed into her room to see him in there. It's crazy, he hadn't touched anything since she had died. Her room was exactly how she left it. Adira looked to the dresser to see the song she wrote for her dad still there. Maybe it was a bad idea just to leave it in here, he doesn't touch anything of hers. "I'll have to find a different way" she mumbled and snapped her fingers poofing back into the studio.

Adira waited a moment so she could hear to see if the guys were home. She sighed and walked over to the desk. When she got there, it looked like it her journal had been moved. Nobody had ever touch her journal before. "I didn't know you could draw" Adira jumped and slowly turned to face Luke. She wasn't gonna talk to him, any of them. At least, not now.

I Fell Again - Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now