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Remember to vote and comment! it motivates me to continue <3

"Who's Kami?" Uraraka asked, turning to look at Monoma who had a sad look on his face. He choked up a bit, he was right along Hitoshi's side through his whole relationship with Kaminari. Izuku was the only person who could make Hitoshi smile the way Kaminari did, which made him push to sober Hitoshi up more.

"Hey daddy issues, stay with Hitoshi, come with me," Todoroki glared at him as waved Uraraka over. He waited until he got in the kitchen before he spoke, "um, do you remember the case where the parents murdered their son?" the words he spoke made him feel like he was choking. He hasn't spoken about this since he found out it happened, it hurt when he found out that Kaminari's parents murdered him. It angered him that Kaminari was murdered for loving a man. But he didn't only lose his long time friend that day, he lost his best friend-- and Izuku was slowly bringing him back.

"b-because he was.. gay, right?" she questioned, her voice was a bit shaky. Monoma nodded, his eyes meeting the floor.

"That was Denki Kaminari, Hitoshi's ex-boyfriend." He could see her eyes start to well up with tears, Monoma grabbed a few water bottles, lightly tossing one at her. "Don't go in there crying, it could send Hitoshi into a bad trip." Uraraka nodded, taking a sip of the water.

"I'll be there in a minute." she replied, giving him a sad smile.

Monoma walked back into the room, seeing that Todoroki was currently holding one of the cushions to the couch on top of Hitoshi who was currently dirty talking the boy. "Hitoshi, please, you're not in your right state of mind." he tried to talk to him, but Hitoshi wasn't listening. Monoma walked over, nudging him out of the way and handing Hitoshi the water.

"You're so thirsty, drink."

"I am so thirsty." he replied, opening the water and chugging it. Monoma continued to open the next three waters, watching him chug the clear liquid for each one. Hitoshi then looked down at his pants, pulling his phone out of his pocket and clicking the screen.

"Izuku-? Izuku!" he stood up, nearly knocking Monoma down on the coffee table, "Where are you?!" He continued to speak, when Monoma looked at his eyes he could tell that the high he once had was slowly dying down. "No, no no Izuku, baby I'm coming." He grabbed Monoma's arm, dragging him to the front door; Uraraka and Todoroki followed behind, their eyes wide with worry as they went over to Hitoshi's car.

"Keys. Give me your keys, now."

"Are you even sober enough?"

"Give me the fucking keys Monoma, Now!" he yelled, snatching them from Monoma. He was so glad he gave his best friend his spare key, because if he ended up looking for his, he probably would've just ran. He was so confused, it felt as if he was woken out of a deep slumber and given a whole gallon of caffeine. "W-What the hell happened? Why wasn't Izuku at the house?" He asked Monoma, he was gritting his teeth. The faint sound of Izuku speaking into the phone made Hitoshi's heart pound harder and harder, adrenaline coursing through his veins.

"Izuku, I'm almost there, stay awake. Talk to me, please Izuku tak to me."

"I'm calling the cops, what's his address?" Monoma asked, once it was received he called, glancing back at Hitoshi who had tears in his eyes. His foot suddenly slammed onto the break, lurching everyone forward as he put the car in park. Everything moved in slow motion to Hitoshi as he jumped out of his car and ran to the front door. The door was cracked, but he wasn't even thinking about the consequences. He barged in, looking around to see Izuku's small frame lying on the last few stairs. Hitoshi ran up to him, his hand cupping his cheek as he spoke to Izuku.

"Izu, the cops are on the way it's okay, look at me." his finger rubbed over his swollen cheek, he could feel a gritty feeling underneath his skin, lining where his jawline is. Tears started to stream down his face once he realized his jaw was broken, and who knows however many more bones were. His fingers lightly ran through his knotted hair, trying his best not to pull the knots as he tried to comfort the younger male.

"HEY!" Hitoshi jumped when he heard a loud slam, he turned to see Monoma, his head perked back before slamming it forward into Izuku's fathers nose. The old man groaned, even with Monma being one of the tallest in the group, his father weighed a lot more and used it to his advantage. Using his weight to push the blond back, his fist forcing its self into his stomach. Monoma wheezed, the air being forced out of him forcefully wasn't the best feeling. Hitoshi stood up, glancing back down at Izuku before he went up to his father, he knew he had to be careful. His nose was still  broken, he hasn't even gone to his follow up appointment. Well, after this he's probably going to.

"Get out of my house you fucking punk!" He yelled, punching Monoma one more time before turning to Hitoshi. He balled his fists, lifting them up. He tried to find a good opening without risking his nose breaking more, and from looking at the man, his nose was his key target. The man raised his arm back, but two arms wrapped around his shoulders, the hands wrapping around the back of his neck and holding him. Hitoshi could see the bit of red from Shoto's hair, he nodded, using this as his chance to do the same thing he did to Monoma, he reached his arm back, punching just below his rib cage. The man wheezed, then proceeded to puke all over the ground in front of him. The smell of alcohol was revolting, the man shook his head, trying to get his breath back and struggle to get out of the hold he was in.

The anger within Hitoshi started to boil, the image of Izuku was in his mind like a movie. The way his broken body looked, the dried up blood and bruises that littered his one pale skin. He gritted his teeth, continuing to lay punches on the old man. He tried his best to avoid Shoto, which he did for the most part, until the memories of Kaminari fogged his mind. Tears started to form once again in his eyes— "YOU CANT TAKE HIM!" He yelled, "YOU CANT TAKE HIM TOO!" His vision started to blur, he continued to yell until he forcefully stopped himself. He turned back to Izuku, he didn't even notice Uraraka was with him. She was holding his hand, talking to him. He walked over, he had so much to say to him. But the flashing lights blinded them, the sound of men yelling as they ran into the house. Even with them giving orders, it felt so quiet in the house. There was a ringing in the house that made everything eerily quiet. Everyone that could stand was escorted out of the house, the paramedics were allowed in the house and brought Izuku to their car. Hitoshi tried to get in with them, but a cap grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back,

"If you're not family, you can't go. If you really want to help your friend, I need your statement."

Hitoshi glanced back at Izuku, he bit his cheek. He wanted to tell the cop to fuck off and hop in last minute, but he knew Izuku wouldn't want that.


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