Chapter Ten

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"You're quite famous back around here."

"Really?" Evan smiles back at me and nods. It's been one week since the after-party, the night Niall and I became official. We've moved to Anaheim. You would think that you would move down the coast instead of hopping from place to place. But no. For tomorrow's concert, Bethany and Jesse were supposed to be flying in. And, obviously, Niall and I have started letting our relationship be known to the public.

"Yeah, pictures of you two are splattered all over the internet. Look at this." He holds his FaceTime camera towards his laptop, showing me an article. "'Who is Niall Horan's lover?' It goes on to talk about how you've been spotted with them at every city they've been to, so I think they might be catching onto the fact that you're touring with them."

I shrug as a knock comes from the door and it swings open. I smile as the Irish man himself strides in, wearing a white undershirt and a green snapback that says "SF". "Evan, have you met Niall yet?"

Niall stops immediately. You're talking to your brother? he mouths. I nod, and he starts mumbling curse words under his breath. I giggle.

"No, I don't believe I have. Can I?"

"Sure." I gesture for Niall to come to me, and he grunts. He walks over to me and sits on the hotel bed, getting his face into the shot.

"Um, hi," Niall says awkwardly, waving.

"Hello, Evan Edwards, here." Niall and Evan kind of just sit there for a second staring at each other before Evan says, "Well, I've got to go. Lily is dragging me to some wedding planning. I'll talk to you later, Phoebs."

"Give Mum and Dad my love!" And with that, he signs off.

"You could've warned me that you had your brother on the phone," Niall groans, laying his head in the crook of my shoulder.

I laugh. "That would've spoiled the fun of seeing your reactions to each other." I take the hat from his head, slipping it onto my own.

"Hey, that's my favorite snapback!" Niall says. He reaches for it, but I jump away, causing him to miss it by inches.

"Correction, it's now my favorite snapback!" I leap off the bed as he lunges for me, running towards the door and out of the room, him close on my tail.

And I run right into Louis. And Niall runs right into me. So basically, we were a Phoebe Sandwich.

"Oh my god, what were you two doing?!" Louis shouts in my ear.

"It was nothing!" Niall and I respond at the same time.

Louis throws the two of us off of him; Niall hits the ground, and I land right on top of him. "Phoebe and Niall were getting it on in the hall!" Louis yells to the world.

Harry, Liam, and Zayn burst out of their rooms and turn towards us. I immediately hop off Niall and he stands up, brushing ourselves off. "Its not what it looks like!" I exclaim.

"Are you sure, Phoebe? Because it looked like something to me," Liam says.

"You two need to take it slow," Harry agrees.

At that moment, Uncle Paul walks out of his room and stops when he sees us. "Phoebe, what did I tell you about kissing boys?"

The guys all immediately burst out laughing while I blush. "Uncle Paul!" I shout.

"I'm kidding, love," he says with a smile. "Anyways, boys, you have a CD signing today and a Q&A after that. We should probably get going pretty soon. Are you coming, Phoebe?"

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