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"Are you ready to go, love?"

I turn away from the mirror and look in the direction of the voice. "Almost, just let me finish my makeup."

"You don't need any makeup to look beautiful. You're perfect the way you are," my husband says, approaching me. He pulls my curled hair away from my shoulders and kisses my neck softly, hands lingering on my hips.

"Excuse me, I spent all morning puking up that strange craving I had last night. The least you could do is let me try and cover these dark spots."

He laughs against my skin. "Pregnancy has its perks, I guess."

"Hey, you don't have a baby growing inside you. You have no opinion."

Niall stands up straight. "You've got me there. I'll be waiting downstairs." He leaves the room.

I shake my head, a quiet laugh escaping my lips. Niall and I have been married for two years now, and our first child is on the way. He's been making fun of my weird food cravings, and he's there for me throughout my morning sickness, which isn't very fun.

Looking in the mirror, I adjust my solid grey maternity dress around my growing belly and throw on a small pink middriff jacket. Niall and I are going to pick up Liam and his wife since they live fairly close to us, and then we're heading into London for a meetup with the lads of One Direction (we live outside the city).

Time has really flown by. Niall and I were both 18 when we met, and soon, I'll be turning 27. The past three years with him have been a complete blur, but it was wonderful. Same with the years before we were married, when I moved to London for school. We didn't start dating again until after a few months; we truly wanted our relationship to blossom.

When I'm satisfied with my reflection, I slip on my pink flip flops and make my way out of our bedroom. I pass the nursery, and peek inside at our project. Pink walls, bedding with baby Disney characters on it, a rocking chair, a changing table. All will be used in a matter of weeks.

"You ready now?" Niall asks when I reach the first floor.

I grab my purse. "I am now." And with that, we head to the car. He opens the door for me and I hop inside. Soon, we're off.

It's about a twenty minute drive to Liam's house. When we get there, Liam and his wife, with a newborn baby in her arms, are already waiting outside for us. They head to the car.

"Well, it's about time you got here!" Lizzie shouts, manuvering her way into the backseat. Liam gets in right beside her. They buckle in the baby's carseat before carefully placing their son inside. Niall hits the gas, and we are soon on the path to the city.

"How's little Daniel doing?" I ask her.

She smiles, stroking his tiny little arm. "Great. He's just woken up from his nap." Daniel was born just a couple of weeks ago; Liam and Lizzie were so excited (Lizzie especially was when she found out the two of us would be giving birth within months of the other). "And how's his future wife?"

I laugh. "Elena's been kicking a lot. Something tells me she'll be a dancer."

"Wait, we decided that would be her name?" Niall asks. "I thought you were set on Emma."

I groan. "I don't know. I like Elena, too!"

The next hour to the city passes very quickly. Liam and Lizzie tell us about how things have been going with Daniel ("I swear, every time I pick him up I feel like I'll break him," Liam said), while me and Niall talk to them about when our baby shower will be, the decorations for her room, etcetra. And before we know it, we've made it to the restaurant.

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