Chapter Twelve

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HELLO! I hope you're all having a great break from school! I know I am! Enjoy the chapter, my lovelies! I know I liked writing it! :D


We had finally arrived in Dallas, Texas for the next concert after a hectic five days with the guys in the recording studio in LA. Though the next performance wasn't for another two days, management wanted us to head this way early.

The evening was very quiet. The guys didn't have another rehearsal until the day after tomorrow, which would be the day of the concert. I thought for sure they'd be throwing parties all night long, but they didn't really do anything. Instead, we all gathered in Harry's room and watched a few movies. Except for Zayn and Louis, who were spending private time with their girlfriends before the girls had to fly back to England in a few days.

Liam, Harry, Niall, Josh, Sandy, Dan, and I were lounged in various places of the room, eyes glued to the screen as we watched Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1. Niall and I had taken the chair, and I sat in his lap with his arms around me.

Suddenly, Louis barges in the door, fuming. Liam sits up from his place on the bed, grabbing the remote and pausing the movie. "Louis?" he asks.

"What's wrong, mate?" Harry says.

"It's Jesse," Louis replies.

"What's she doing now?" Josh pipes up.

I frown, glancing back to Niall for an explanation as the others talk. He looks at me and shrugs. "Jesse and Louis have been dating off and on for a while now. But she kind of pressured him into the relationship. Long story. They've been fighting a lot lately."

"Really?" I whisper back.

When we return our attention back to our group, I notice that Louis and Harry have vanished. "They're talking in the hall," Sandy says when he sees my confused expression.

"What's the deal now?" Dan asks.

"Wait," I say, holding up my hands to stop everyone. "What's going on between them? Did she really pressure him into the relationship?"

Liam sighs, "We don't know."

"But they have almost no chemistry," Josh butts in.

"I mean, think about it," Niall says. "When they are together, do you ever see them smiling and laughing? No. They just hold hands. I've rarely even seen them talk."

"Maybe they're more of a 'silent' couple. They don't show their love in public," Josh says, causing us to laugh and Liam to throw a pillow at his head.

"Are you saying its a publicity stunt?" I ask.

Niall shakes his head. "We don't think so. But either way, I don't know how much longer that relationship will last. I hate to say that, too."

"They just fight way too much," Sandy says.

"I've never seen them fight before," I blurt out.

"That's because they fight when its just the two of them," Dan answers. "Jesse is a nice girl, but she's always looking to pick a fight with him."

I can't help but feel out of the loop. How could I never have noticed this?

"I hope it works itself out in the end," I finish, all the guys nodding in agreement.


The next morning, I wake up pretty early, which is quite unusual for me. I lean over and check my phone, smiling at Niall's daily "good morning" text and responding to that, then replying to my parents' daily messages as well. I look through my Twitter and Facebook and Intragram after that.

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