Chapter Seventeen

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And finally, after weeks of traveling and flying all across America, the Up All Night tour was over. Last night was the final concert. The boys went absolutely nuts during the encore of "I Want". Harry and Louis were trying to jump off the stage and into the crowd of screaming girls; they ended up being thrown back onto the stage at least ten times. Harry also tried to undo his pants...which got the audience very excited. And then there's Niall. Niall ripped his shirt open and was running and hopping all around the stage (I got very, very concerned about his knee...). Liam and Zayn didn't do anything that bad; they ended up laughing throughout most of the song.

But now, we're on the plane, getting ready to land in England after an exhausting eight hour flight. Sandy, Dan, and Zayn slept for most of the flight and were just now waking up. Liam and Lizzie spent time together, Harry and Louis and Josh were on their laptops most of the time, and Niall and I had some quality time to ourselves as well. We mainly passed the time by playing guitar, flirting, talking, kissing, the usual.

"So Niall," I start. He turns away from his guitar and faces me, those blue eyes curious. "What are we going to do now that tour is over?"

Niall shrugs. "We've got a meeting with management today after we land. They'll probably tell us."

I shake my head. "I didn't mean with the band. I meant you and me. I've only got a little more than a month left here. What are you and me going to do?" I ask with a smile.

He thinks for a second. "I really don't know. What do you want to do, love?"

"Spend as much time with you as possible," I smirk. He smiles, leaning over and giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Good morning, passengers," the pilot says on the intercom. "We're about to land in London. Please make sure you are buckled in and stay in your seats until the plane comes to a complete stop." I glance over to Niall and jerk my head towards the front of the plane, where the seats with actual seatbelts are. With a heavy sigh, he nods and takes my hand. We stand and make our way back there.

Liam and Lizzie still aren't back (from wherever they were), but everyone else is already buckled and ready to land. When Niall and I take our seats and strap ourselves in, the two new lovebirds stalk into the room, laughing together. They stop when they realize we're all staring at them.

"Ahem," Liam mumbles, gesturing to a chair as Lizzie sits. He takes a seat beside her.

Harry rotates around in his seat, peeking at Niall and me. "I don't think it's you two that we have to worry about anymore," he says. I giggle, Niall flashing him a mischievious grin.

"Agreed," Louis whispers. "I could hear them snogging from all the way out here!"

"Um, Louis? You know I can hear you, right?" Liam glares.

Louis blinks. "Phoebe! How could you say such a thing about Payterson?!" he fake-blames.

Lizzie's jaw drops. "Payterson?"

Zayn shrugs. "There have been pictures of you and Liam floating around the Internet. That's the ship name the fans came up with!"

"Are you serious?" she exclaims. I pull out my phone and look up a few of the pictures going around. "Aw, man!" she says.

We laugh. "Whoops!" I say.

Within a few minutes, the plane finally touches ground. It felt good to be back on land again. After battling the raging storm of screaming fangirls, we're able to make it inside the airport, grab our things from baggage claim, and pile into the taxis that will take us to the boys' flat building. Seeing the sights of Big Ben and the London Eye and all the old buildings and shops just made me feel right at home again. When the boys were dropped off for some rest before the meeting, Uncle Paul, Lizzie and I made our way to his house.

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