Chapter Sixteen

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Time began to move quicker than I wanted it to. Soon, June ended and July was making its grand appearance. All the Florida concerts had come and gone, and we were moving back up the coast for a few more before the tour ends on July 9th (its July 3rd now, one week after the beach date and the day before America's Independence Day). Bethany and Jesse left the day of the Tampa performance, so things were almost back to the way they were before tour started; its just me, Lizzie, and the boys. At the moment, we're in Richmond, Virginia for one concert tonight before we move back up to the final few performances in the New England area.

A few minutes after I wake up, there's a knock at the door. I roll out of bed, grabbing my glasses, practically dragging myself over there and flinging it open. Niall, already fully dressed and ready to go. He smiles when he sees me, taking my hand and pulling me out of the room before shutting the door behind me.

I grin as I lean against the door, his hands placing themselves on either side of my body and his lips finding mine. "What's got you so happy?" I question between kisses.

"Nothing," he says. "Just happy to call you mine."

Niall pulls away, keeping his hands pressed against the door as he stares at me with bright blue eyes. "Why are you up at this hour?" I ask.

"We've got a radio interview today. Then we have to go to rehearsal early," he says. "But based on the fact that you aren't dressed, I'm assuming that you can't go?"

I shake my head. "Guess not. I'm sorry. But we'll be at the concert."

"It's fine! You and Lizzie deserve your own girl day," Niall says with a smile.

"Sounds good," I say, standing on my tiptoes and pecking his lips. "So, has Liam been talking about Lizzie lately?"

"Oh gosh, nonstop," he says. "It's getting annoying. He just needs to ask her out, already."

"Maybe he will soon," I say.

"I hope so," Niall grins. Ireach up and grasp his wrists, pulling them off the door and intertwining my fingers with his, pecking him on the lips.

"Something tells me your friends will be coming out we really want them to yell at us for kissing again?" I ask him.

Niall shrugs. "Eh, YOLO."

My jaw drops. "Did you really just say that?"

"I keep up with the trends, nowadays," he smirks.

I laugh. "Well, Mr. Trend-keeper-upper, I think I'm going to head back to bed."

"Sounds good. Let me know when you wake up," he smiles. I kiss him one more time before he turns on his heel, and I rush back inside the room, throwing myself under the covers, happy as can be.


"So," I start once I'm dressed for the day, "how are things between you and Liam?"

Lizzie's head slowly turns in my direction, away from the mirror she was using to do her hair. "Oh yeah, we're, um, doing good." She starts nodding quickly. "Yeah, we're good."

"Uh-huh, good," I say, doing an exaggerated wink.

"We are! We're good!" Lizzie shouts.

"What kind of good?" I tease.

"Just...good! What do you want from me, woman?!" she yells.

I laugh, pulling out my laptop and logging onto Twitter. "Nothing, nothing at all," I smirk. I scroll through some mentions, and a few minutes later, come across something strange. "Hey Lizzie," I say, "have you ever heard of The Adventurous Adventures of One Direction?" I question.

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