Chapter Fifteen

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"Mm," I say, breathing in deeply as we step out of the airport. "Smell that salty sea air."

"It's relaxing," Niall says with a smile, bumping my shoulder. We finally arrived in Tampa, Florida after a fairly short flight. It's still pretty early, only 10 AM, so we've basically got a full day to ourselves on the beach. From a distance, I can hear the waves as they crash against the shore, the seagulls squawking to each other. It's very...calming.

Uncle Paul escorts us to the taxis that are waiting for us. Niall, Liam, Lizzie and I pile into one after throwing our luggage into the trunk.

"So Lizzie," Liam starts once we've taken off, "tell me about yourself."

"And that's when I turn to you," I say to Niall. 

"Did she figure out the game was planned?" Niall murmurs in my ear.

I nod, a smirk crossing my lips. "She beat me with a pillow."

"That's not nice," he responds.

"I'm used to it," I smile. I reach down and intertwine my fingers with his, watching his lips form a grin as a quiet chuckle escapes from them. "So, do you have any plans for our beach date?"

He thinks for a moment before shrugging. "I'm really not sure. We could go for a stroll, swim, drink to our heart's content, build sandcastles, make love to--" I stop him right there, slapping his arm, and he flinches back. "I was kidding, love!"

"You better be," I say. I glance out the window and notice the driver pulling into the back of the hotel, which is huge; it towers over every other building that I can see. When we stop, I see Uncle Paul hop out of one of the cars and walk through the door. I look to my right at Lizzie, who is completely focused on Liam, while he hasn't taken his eyes off her. I lean over to Niall. "They are too cute," I whisper.

"What would their ship name be, though?" Niall jokes softly.

I think for a second. "I guess we'd have to use their last names. Peterpayne?"


"That's the best we've got so far," I agree. "But we'll see what the fans come up with."

"If they get together," he points out.

I give him a look. "I'm pretty sure they will."

We're interrupted by a tapping on the window. The four of us glance that way and see Uncle Paul; Niall rolls the window down. "The place is clear; no fans that I can see," he says. "Here are your room keys. Phoebe, you're sharing with Lizzie again. You have the day off so just go have fun. You all know who to call if anything drastic happens." And then he takes off. Niall quickly passes out room keys and we exit the car, taking our luggage from the trunk.

When everyone is inside, Louis shouts, "Beach party in twenty!" and takes off running towards the lift. I peek over at Jesse (this is her and Bethany's last day here) and she laughs. The rest of us head in that direction as well, where we find an impatient Louis still waiting for the lift. It finally arrives, and we all somehow manage to pile inside.

I find myself once again squished between the wall and Niall. "I can kiss you this time, can't I?" I grin and leans in; this time, I don't turn my head from him and our lips soon meet.

"Stop making out in the elevator!" Harry shouts.

"My eyes!" Josh teases.

We pull away, a blush rising on both of our cheeks, and I stick my tongue out at the two boys. Once the lift stops, Lizzie and I break away from the crowd, heading down to our room. We unlock the door and head inside. The room itself is very pretty; paintings on the walls, comfy-looking beds, a mini-fridge and a microwave. "Look at this view!" I shriek, running to the balcony and flinging the door open.

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