Chapter Twenty-One

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Hello, loves. I want to apologize for taking so long to get this out. I just had bad writer's block. Hopefully, the chapter doesn't disappoint you! Enjoy! xx


Almost immediately after Niall wakes up, two nurses rush into the room. He barely has time to say hello before we're ushered out. All except for Greg, of course, because he's immediate family. But me, being the stubborn person that I am, manage to let loose a laugh.

That gets everyone staring at me.

"I'm sorry, Phoebe, but might I ask what's so funny?" Louis questions.

I shrug, still giggling. "I have no idea. But he just woke up, and we can't even talk to him."

"We'll be able to eventually," Zayn points out.

I absentmindedly massage my injured shoulder. "Yeah, I guess. I just miss him. Everything about him."

"We do too, love," Liam says.

We're greeted by silence after that. It's not an awkward silence because no one is really even paying attention. We're all too worried and concerned about Niall. Last I knew, all the internal bleeding had been removed. After a couple days of being monitored, he should be released (thank the Lord, too; the guys need to start rehearsing for the Olympic performance). And no matter what the outcome of the Harry incident, I'll be there for him.

"Well, I'm getting hungry," Harry says, breaking the silence. "Anyone up for food?" I look to the others and we all nod in agreement.

It'll probably be awhile before we can see Niall, anyways.

The five of us head out of the hospital and pile into Harry's Range Rover. I end up squished between Zayn and Louis. After a five minute argument about what radio station to listen to, we finally decide on one and drive off.

Soon, we arrive at a little joint called Sticky Fingers, known for all kinds of cuisine. I order myself a plate of chicken strips, while the guys order other sorts of fattening things, like double-meat burgers and greasy pizza.

I'm about to take a bite when I feel something behind me. I glance up at Louis, who is sitting across from me, and he gestures to something with his chin. I turn slowly.

Behind me are two girls, who couldn't be older than fifteen. Their eyes are wide and they are staring at the five of us like we're aliens from another planet. Suddenly, they start screaming and jumping up and down.

"Oh my God! You're One Direction!"

"I can't contain my feelings!"

I look to the guys, who clearly aren't sure what to do. I notice the other people in the restaurant are starting to stare. Quickly, I reach forward with my good arm and catch one of their wrists in my hand. They stop immediately.

"Okay, girls, I understand you're really excited. But how about you calm down and have a seat? Maybe they can get you some autographs and such."

The girls go pale. I stand and pull two chairs from an empty table up to ours. Then, they slowly sit. The guys all follow my suggestions. They ask the girls questions and get to know them a little bit. At the very end, Zayn asks for their Twitter usernames, and promises to follow them all.

But before they go, one of them asks yet another question.

"So how's Niall doing?"

I freeze up. "What do you mean?" Liam asks.

"We know that you and Niall were in a car accident, Phoebe."

I manage to flash them a small smile. "He's doing well."

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