Chapter Thirteen

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Niall's POV

Going out with the guys was a huge mistake.

Don't get me wrong, I had a great time. Until the end, that is.

I had basically forced myself not to drink too much, just in case Phoebe was feeling sick when we got back to the hotel. I ended up drinking just a few beers; Liam didn't have much either (because of his kidney), but the other three were absolutely plastered. They disappeared on Liam and me suddenly.

Liam looked over at me, taking a sip of his beer. "What on earth are they doing?" he asked.

I shrugged. "Probably going to do some shots."

But I was wrong. They returned about five minutes later, accompanied by three very, very drunk young women. Liam and I bursted out laughing as we watched them try and dance with the girls, though it quickly turned into a "try to stay standing and not pass out" festival.

One of the girls, I could tell, was getting very bored very fast. She looked around for another guy and her eyes landed on me.

"Good luck, mate," Liam said behind me. I shot him a look, cursing under my breath as the girl came up to me and grabbed my hands.

"Hey, dance with me," she slurred.

I shook my head. "Sorry, I've got a girlfriend."

"Silly boy," she said, ruffling my hair. "I just want to dance. That's all." Before I had a chance to reply, she dragged me out to where Louis, Harry, and Zayn were dancing with the other two girls. "I'm Madison, by the way," she said, throwing her hands in the air.

"Niall," I replied. I looked to Liam and gave him a Help me? look, but he sat there and did nothing but laugh. Looks like I'm on my own.

"I just love this song!" Madison shouted, moving her body to the beat.

"Yeah, yeah," I said, not really paying attention to her; my eyes were glued to the new round of people that snuck their way into the club, cameras in their hands and ready. Paparazzi. I had to get out of there before they got a shot of something they shouldn't. "Hey," I said, eyes not leaving them. "I've got to go...relieve myself," I lied.

"Okay," Madison slurred. "But wait, let me do something really quickly." Her hands suddenly locked themselves on both of my shoulders and she yanked me towards her body.

"What are you doing?" I snapped, putting my hands on her waist to push her away.

But I don't get a chance to, because that was when the flash went off.

I pulled away immediately, pushing her away from me. She gave me a look of disgust before stumbling away. I stood there staring at the paps for a second, feeling the shocked stares of my friends behind me, before turning on my heel and running to the bathroom.

And that's where I am right now.

I lock myself in a stall, leaning against the stall wall and sliding down until my bum hits the ground, hands covering my face. There's absolutely no telling where that picture will go. Who will see it. And if Phoebe finds it? I don't even want to think about what she'd do, about how hurt she'd be. Would she believe me when I told her that Madison came on to me? Or would she refuse to believe that?

Would she break up with me?

Or would she leave?

Niall, stop. Try and think positive.

But there isn't anything positive to look at. She'll see the picture and be devastated.

There's a knock on the stall door. "Niall?"

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