Akaashi catch up part 1

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What it's like dating him
He is a very sweet boy and loves you very much. He likes taking you on little dates and brings you flowers every anniversary because he says you deserve it. He's so gentle when he wants to be and just shows you non stop love.

Their hogwarts house

Favorite Disney movie

Will they watch anime with you
He would gladly watch anime with you

How many kids do they want
2-4 matters on you

Fav outfit on you

Their Lock Screen

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Their Lock Screen

Explain of their Lock ScreenYou really wanted to do face mask and you got Akaashi to agree which made you very happy and now y'all do it all the time

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Explain of their Lock Screen
You really wanted to do face mask and you got Akaashi to agree which made you very happy and now y'all do it all the time

How old where they when they met you
15 (first day of first year at high school)

Bruh or hi girl
I think he likes both because hi girls are peaceful but he also likes bruh girls to counteract his personality

First kiss
You were both in the gym and you were watching as he helped bokuto practice. You've been dating for about a month and really wanted to kiss him but didn't know how. As you were thinking you noticed Akaashi walk up to you pouting and you just looked around and saw bokuto in a emo mode.
"He's too much to handle sometimes" he said as he hugged you to get some type of sanity back before dealing with the human owl
"It's okay baby you got this" you said then gave him a quick kiss on the lips. This surprised him but he smiled and looked down at you.
"You're right darling thank you" and kissed you on the forehead and helped bokuto stop being a grump

When they slap your ass
Akaashi got dared by bokuto to slap your ass but to be frank he was quite nervous to do so. He's never done it before and he won't lie he was quite curious what it was like. As you were both in the gym with the team there he came out to you and hugged you.
"Hey (Y/N) can I uh do something? The guys dared me to do it and I kinda want to myself " he whispered in your ear you just nodded and then realized what he meant when you heard the slapping sound and then felt the sting on your butt and blushed
"A-Akaashi that's what they wanted you to do?"
"Mm yea I hope I didn't do it that hard but to be honest I didn't mind it" he said as he kissed your temple and walked away.

Ass, tits or thighs
This man likes ✨boobies✨

Who said I love you first
He did

What they like about you
He loves your eyes and says they are so beautiful and says that he hopes you guys kids have them in the future. (His eyes are amazing I want eyes like his so bad)

Scenarios on your period
You laid down as your cramps really bothering you and you didn't even notice your phone getting text from your boyfriend who was worried about you
"Hey darling I know you had cramps today are you okay?"
"I'm gonna get you chocolate what type do you want?"
"Do you need a heating pad?"
"Darling you okay you aren't answering?"
After a while you heard a knock at your door and got up. You saw Akaashi and opened the door and he hugged you with a bag in his hand.
"Oh hey darling I got worried you weren't answering do you feel okay?" You just shook your head and went back to you room and sat in the bed as he followed behind. Once in your room he showed you all your favorite snacks and drinks he got you, a heating pad and medicine. After you took the medicine you both cuddled and watched movie while sharing the snacks.

Zodiac signs for him
(He's a Sagittarius) Libra, Virgo, and Gemini

When you sit on his lap for the first time
Bokuto convinced you to sit on his lap and explained how much he would love it. So during lunch you walked up to them and sat on his lap while talking to bokuto. Bokuto laughed as Akaashi blushed and slowly wrapped his arms around your waist and kissing the back of your neck gently. After that he now has you sit on his lap every lunch

Where they like to kiss you
Back of the neck he finds it cute when you squirm or get flustered

When you ask for his food/drink
You never have to ask cuz he refuses to eat near you or drink near you without you also having the option to have some and even if you have your own he always offers some of his either way.

Would he do TikToks with you
Yes he would as long you are happy he's chill with it

Top bottom or switch
Akaashi is a top but a soft dom unless he needs to be stern but he prefers being gentle

Who has a crush on you
Akinori konoha

Who has a crush on youAkinori konoha

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What color he likes best on you

PDA?He doesn't mind as long as you are comfortable

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He doesn't mind as long as you are comfortable

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