What would their quirk be?

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So imma mix anime's here sooooooo have fun lol

Quirk-liquid control
Can control any liquids near by
His mom caught him when he was younger playing with his milk
Would he be a hero-I could see it

He can take over peoples words and mind making them say quite hurtful things or just plan sarcastic things
When he was five he took over his brothers words and made him tell his gf at the time that she looked "sooooo pretty" while rolling his eyes
Would they be hero?- no, not at all

He has wings kinda like hawks but black and can fly around with them, he can also use them for protection around his body. He can use the feathers as weapons (so he just has hawks quirk but black wings instead lol)
He had wings so pretty easy to tell his quirk
Would he be a hero?-yea

Quirk- power punch
He can punch people causing that part of there body to go numb and limp. That can last for about a hour and if punched in the head, near temple could cause death. Or if in stomach could cause organ problems or death
He got angry when younger and punched his cousin making his arm go limp
Would he be a hero?-yea

He can confuse people if they look into his eyes and they practically become brain dead while under his quirk
He did it to his teacher in kindergarten by accident and cried for days
Is he a hero?yes

His reflexes are hyper fast and reacts quickly
He got his quirk at home when he started fighting his cousin
Would he be a hero?-No he does do other stuff to help out tho

Quirk-element control
He can controls the elements from the table and can tell if the elements are around
He found out at 4 when he started playing with the elements and made them float around him and his mother saw
Would he be a hero?-yes and he's a good one lol

Can look at any one and get all information needed about that person. He can also analyze the area around him and see who has been there and can analyze about 10 years back on whose been there
He got his quirk a little later then others at 5, he analyzed his classmate by accident and started freaking out
Would they be a hero?-Yea but doesn't like the spotlight like easerhead

He can focus on a target in his head and he can not miss it, even if it moves. It is very fast and hard to see unless you are him.
Got his quirk when 3, he was a little earlier then most kids and found his quirk when he was throwing a ball during preschool .
Would they be a hero?- yes

Quirk-mood swings
Can put his emotions on other people and control them emotionally
He got his quirk at 4 and started crying, causing his mother and father to start crying
Would he be a hero?- He is a hero but doesn't fight to often

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