First kiss 🥴🥰

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It was during lunch and you were waiting for kags to get you a (fav drink) while he got himself a milk from the vending machine. He was taking a while so you put your head down, a couple minutes later you here him coming towards you. To lazy to pick up your head you lay there till kags starts poking you non stop,
"(Y/N), get up I got you (F/D)". You just let out a hm and lift up you head. You open your eyes to see him about 6 inches from your face starring at your lips. You've been dating for a couple weeks so you decide it's okay to do this and lean in and kiss him gently on the lips.
He looks at you pink in the face mouth a little open after you pull away like he just saw a ghost.
"Handsome it was just a kiss as a thank you" as you grab your drink and poke the straw through the hole with a smile and look away.
All you heard was "can I have another" which almost made you choke on your drink lol

He was helping you studying (worst subject) so you did good on the next test but you just didn't want to study so instead of listening to him teach you, you thought of ways to get out of this till you thought of one.
" so then you mmmpp-" he shushed as you kissed to silence him from whatever he was saying at this point. When you both parted for air he looked at you and just smiled.
"I guess we can take a little break" and pulled you close.

"(Y/N) DID YOU SEE THAT I WENT LIKE WOOSH AND THEN I WENT BAMMM" hinata jumped up and down happily like he just won a prize as you watched him practice with kageyama.
"Hinata boke shush and practice more or you will still suck"kageyama huffed
"So mean I don't suck right (Y/N), right?" He said running up to you and getting quite close
"Ofc you don't" you said with a quick smile and giggle. After that he pulled you into a hug and gave you a quick peck running back to kageyama right after leaving you flustered over what just happened.

"Sugggggaaaaaaa it's not fair my bf is prettier then me!!!" ( All of you are beautiful and so is Suga 🥺)
He just sighed and walked up to you and wrapped his arms are your waist making you blush as his grip got tighter and he got even closer
"Your so gorgeous shush princess" he said kissing your forehead, then your cheek, then you nose, then a passionate kiss on your lips leaving you breathless afterwards. After that you couldn't help but cuddle into his shoulder to hide your blush from your flirty yet sweet bf.

Yama has been kinda self conscious about his volleyball skills recently so you agreed to help him practice extra to give him the motivation he said he needed. As you guys were practicing he kept messing up his float serve and was getting quite frustrated. After a while he seemed to be ready to cry from how difficult it seemed. Walking up to him you wrapped your arms around him and cuddled into his shoulders and whispered motivational words but it didn't seem like he was listening. So you got all the courage you have, looked up and kissed him slowly and sweetly. It turned into a slight make out shesh but after you looked him in the eyes.
"I believe in you okay? Just keep trying and i know you will get it love" and he just nodded his head and let go of you and tried again. He finally got it that time and jumped for joy.

Noya recently got in trouble for who knows what this time and had to go to detention before practice, he was scared Suga was gonna yell at him but instead when when he walked out he saw you there with your arms crossed and a pout on your face. He felt guilt right away and looked down as he walked up to you.
"(Y/N) I'm sorry I'll be good next time I promise" he said slowly looking up and at your eyes you just let out a hmpm and looked away till he let out a
"Babbyyy~" which made you look his way wondering why he said it like that till you felt a pair of lips on yours. After a couple seconds you kissed back and ended the kiss quickly.
"Noya we are in school plus you are still in trouble go to practice before I boot you there" you stated quite firmly. He gave a quick yes ma'am and ran off super quickly with a big smile on his face.

"Oi rooster, I'm boreddddd can we do something" you complained as he studied the periodic table even tho he was the whole thing memorized
"Hm sure give me a min". About five minutes later still nothing changed so you grabbed his paper and ran. He was now chasing you around his house till you locked yourself in the bathroom. As he knocks on the door you giggle and yell a quick " occupied"
"Kitten, Come on please give it back I'll give you attention on, pretty please"
As you open the door he grabbed your waist and pulled you close.
"So you wanna play around hm?" As he starts to lean down and kiss your neck and slowly goes up till he reaches your lips and does a slow and sweet kiss.
You parted panting and he just looks at you and smile and kisses your forehead and walks to his room leaving you to fun after him.

You were sitting on his lap as he leaned his head on your shoulder and played legend of Zelda as you sat and watched peacefully loving his arms going around your waist. You back more getting comfy as you notice he paused his game. You were really confused and looked at him till you felt his hand go on your cheek pulling you closer and then planting a gentle kiss on your lips and going right back to his game. You were so surprised and just sat there with your mouth opened a little bit saying a word. It was silent till a couple minutes later.
"(Y/N) your chapstick taste good can I have another kiss please?"

"(Y/N)-Chan your so prettyyyyyy come here"
"Shush kawa, your fan girls gave me a headache"
You guys went on your first date today and his fan girls followed you both and interrupted the date multiple time and you were so annoyed. At this point you walked back to the school and went to the gym and saw the team and decide to watch them practice. Their captain came in a couple minutes after you and Iwa just walked up to him with a confused look as you watched oikawa say something and then get smacked. You giggled a little and continued to watch practice.
After the practice your head hurt less and oikawa walked up to you and just hugged you and you cuddled into his lengthy body.
" I'm sorry my queen, Okay? I'll talk to those girls and have iwa-Chan help me to make sure we are left alone" he said with a little smile looking down at your eyes. You gave a little nod and pecked his lips and walked away to thank Iwa for helping you deal with this idiot and the crazy girls obsessed with him.
"WAIT FOR ME (Y/N)"!!!

Bokuto was in his emo mode as in normally happens but akaashi at the point was quite annoyed seeing how it's lasting longer then usual. You were on the bleachers and decided to try to help this time.
"Boko what's wrong?" You asked with a simple smile trying to lighten the mood.
"I suck (Y/N) I can't play right now " he said as you watched his hair flatten as he pouted more and more.
"Come on my owl you got this!" You said as you gave him a peck on the lips leaving him with a blush making him stand straight and his hair to go back to normal.
"OH MY GOSH DID YOU SEE THAT AKAASHI SHE KISSED ME, MY BEAUTIFUL GIRLFRIEND KISSED ME! I MUST BE SO AWESOME LETS PLAY!" He ran to the court happy as ever and you went back to the bleachers hearing a faint "Hey, Hey, Hey" with a smile on your lips.

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