When you steal their clothes

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You were heading over to kageyamas game so you decided to get changed and left. You were wearing a hoodie and leggings.
When you arrived you greeted the other girls and sat down. You watched your bf and everyone else as they went against nekoma in a practice match. After the first game kageyama came up to you to get his water and give you a kiss for coming till he noticed something.
"Uh (Y/N, is that my hoodie?" You just looked up and handed him his water
"Oh hm? Yea" he started blushing like crazy and just pulled you close and you hugged back even tho he was sweaty

He was on his way home seeing how he knew you were at his house already helping his mother cook food tonight. When he got there he went up to his room to shower and then get changed
When done he head done to the kitchen and sat on the stool by the counter. He watched you guys till you guys would notice him. You were the first one to notice.
"Oh hey kei how was practice?"
"Mm it was okay Hinata and kageyama are too loud tho"
His mom let out a giggle at the mention of the tow hyper boys name, Tsukki looked more closely and noticed something
"Nice shirt (Y/N), it looks good" he said with a sly smirk seeing you in one of his Dino shirts. He got up and walked over to you and just hugged you from behind as you cooked with his mom

You went to his house and you as you walked in he ran at you and hugged you.
"I missed you so much love"
You hugged him, a couple minutes of hugging as he holds you close his little sister comes up to you
He just started blushing and let go of you and looked at you. He smiled
"Yea I guess she is. She's so gorgeous isn't she?"
She nodded quickly and ran to go play

Daichi pointed out to Suga earlier that day that you wear wearing his hoodie around school but Suga hasn't seen it for his own eyes. As he looks for you at lunch, his eyes land on you. His eyes widen and he starts blushing like crazy. As you walked by he couldn't help but smile. He ran up to you as you sat at your table ans hugged you super tight.
"You're so beautiful sugar"

A blush appeared on his face as he walked with Tsukki. Tsukki was confused and looked over and say you wearing yamaguchi's volleyball sweater. He just pushed yamaguchi to you and yama almost bumped into you
"S-sorry (Y/N) you look really good- I mean beautiful- I mean gorgeous. Okay imma stop now" he said as he put his hand behind his neck.
"You're so sweet yams, I love you" you said as you kissed his cheek
All he did was blush like crazy and hugged your tight putting his head into your hair
"I love you too"

You walked into practice as you saw your bf doing his rolling thunder. All you could do is giggle and go talk to yachi. Noya ran up to you and hugged you from behind
"Hey princess what ya doing"
"Just talking you" said patting his head a couple seconds later you heard a scream from the loud bald head
Noya just laughed
"Ofc she is and I'm super awesome" he said with a big smile

You were about to go to Kuroos house to cuddle and as you walked into his room he looked up at you
"Hey kitty, nice outfit"
You laughed at this seeing how you were wearing his shirt and sweatpants
"Just hush and love me you big idiot"
And you got on top of him and cuddled him

As you were sitting on his lap watching him play his game you slid out of his grip and got up
"Hm? Why are you getting up?"
"I'm just cold give me a sec" you said as you went to his closest and grabbed out a hoodie and put it on when you turned around you saw he paused his game and put it down
"Hm what's up?"
"Just come here and give me a kiss"  as you walked over he pulled you into a kiss and  started kissing you gently, turning it into a slight make out shesh
"You look great, wear my hoodies more please" he said as he stopped kissing you to catch his breath just to start kissing you again

You were at practice with the boys and got super cold. Your bf didn't notice this being so focused but Iwa did. He offered his sweatshirt and you took it saying thank you. It wasn't till the end of practice oikawa looked at you and realized you were wearing Iwas sweater.
"Uh love, what are you wearing?" He said sounding a little annoyed iwa heard this and smirked knowing he pissed off his childhood best friend
"Hm? Oh iwa offered his sweater cuz I was super cold and he noticed so at the beginning of practice he asked me, and I agreed" this made him feel kinda bad seeing how he didn't noticed but his friend did. Oikawa walked away and came back with his hoodie. He walked over and took iwas sweatshirt almost lifting up your own making the whole team blush. He didn't care at this moment tho. He then put his sweater on you and smiled.
"There that's better" and kissed you walking away taking iwas sweater with him.
He threw it a iwa when he got close enough and kept walking making iwa just sigh

As you walked into bokutos house you noticed him on the couch
"Hm (Y/N) why is your sweater so big on you?" He said with a confused look. You looked at him confused cuz you thought he would notice.
"It's cuz it's yours handsome" you stated with a giggle. He blushed at this statement and pulled you into a long hug give you kisses all over your face.

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