twenty-two: i am become death

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"When I'm sinking like a stone,
At least I know I'm not alone

deep water by the american authors

A few hours later, Avery woke up slowly, her head still rattling in her skull. She let out a small groan at the dryness of her throat and slowly rolled over from her back to her stomach. She then managed to push herself up against the dropship wall so she was sitting with her back against it.

Before she knew it, Octavia was running over to her again. The girl sighed in relief when she saw Avery's much less pale face. Avery raised her eyebrow and snorted at her situation.

"Damn." She said, moving her hands up to clutch her head. "Worst hangover ever." Octavia laughed and shook her head.

"Nice to have you back." She said. They shared small smiles. Just like that, all was forgiven. All it took was a couple of near-death experiences and their relationship was back to normal.

Avery kept her focus on Octavia until two more guards came into the dropship. She lifted her head up to see that there was someone in between them. The two guards were carrying Bellamy, and the sight of his bloodied face made her heart drop. She made panicked eye contact with Octavia, who quickly moved across the room to help her brother. With the help of the guards, she guided Bellamy over to where Avery was sitting.

They set Bellamy on the floor right next to her, and Avery reached her hand over to grip his, entwining her fingers together. He was too tired to talk. He was too tired to do much of anything other than mumble incoherently to his sister, who was trying to wipe what blood she could off of his face in between blood-filled coughs.

But then he laid his head back and looked up at Avery. Even with her cheeks pale and her chin blood-stained she was beautiful. Even with the other criminals milling about the dropship, her still form leaning on the wall for support and the feeling of her hand in his was the only thing he noticed.

And he loved her. He knew it before, but this was the first time he really said it inside his head, solidifying it. He knew it would destroy him, and probably her too. But he knew there wasn't any going back. There wasn't any changing his mind, and Bellamy was one stubborn son-of-a-bitch.

But he couldn't say anything to her so he just squeezed her hand with what strength he had left. And as his eyes closed, the last thing he saw was her face.

For the first time in his memory, he watched a tear drip down Avery King's cheek as he allowed himself to be consumed by the darkness.


When Bellamy finally stirred again, Avery had already been awake for an hour. She wasn't quite at full strength, so Octavia and Miller forced her to sit in the corner and wait. Something she wasn't particularly good at. But, with her head still pounding and legs feeling like they'd been hit by a truck, she obliged.

When Bellamy stirred awake, he reached out to where Avery's hand last was. She didn't notice. She was too busy watching Murphy with squinted eyes from the other side of the room. But when his whole body stirred, she turned and gave a small smile.

The pair made eye contact, Bellamy breathing a sigh of relief in confirming that Avery was alive. He wasn't sure before, and it took a moment for the memories of the night before to come flooding back.

Their short moment was rudely interrupted by none other than John Murphy. Avery continued to eye him suspiciously as the boy tried to give Bellamy water, which he immediately slapped away. Avery gave a small smirk before she spoke.

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