eighteen: become king

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"We're burning up
We're burning down
We're the ashes on the ground."

circles by ludovico einaudi & greta svabo bech

When they got back to camp, the group of teenagers was panting heavily and Avery was leaning on Bellamy's side for support. The arrow in her shoulder was starting to hurt like hell, and she wasn't sure anyone had noticed it was there yet.

As soon as they stopped running, Avery automatically put pressure on the wound. As much as she tried to tune into the argument around her, the pain from her shoulder was starting to make the world fuzzy. She let out a small groan, alerting the group around her to her current situation.

The world slowly turned to black in her eyes as Bellamy quickly picked her up and made his way through camp to the dropship.

When she started to regain consciousness again, she could feel Bellamy's arms underneath her. It was clear that she was being carried, and her thoughts were confirmed when her vision finally cleared and she could see his face again. She let out another shallow breath, as if to confirm she could still breathe.

"Flowers?" He asked, setting her down on the table. Avery was now conscious enough to know that Clarke and Jasper were also in the room, the former moving quickly around the table. Jasper was in the corner, quietly observing his best friend.

"Bell." She said groggily, as a little smile came to her lips. Then she let out a short laugh, which startled the group. "I told you learning how to throw knives would pay off." She laughed again, causing Bellamy to shake his head, trying to hide his smile.

"Even with an arrow in your shoulder, you still insist on telling me that I'm wrong." He said. Avery almost retorted when Clarke quickly interrupted their conversation. Avery's vision was still fuzzy, but she could somewhat make out the shaking in the blonde's hands as she moved. 

"Speaking of." She said, coming up to the table with alcohol and a rag. "I need to take care of this."

Avery grimaced, but held out her arm for the "doctor" to examine. After a few moments, Clarke addressed the group again.

"She'll be alright." She said, nodding. "As long as the arrow isn't poisoned, which it looks like it isn't, I just have to take it out. It's not near anything important so the only concern is the nerves in your arm. But it's gonna hurt like hell."

The group exchanged eye contact. Avery rolled her eyes and shrugged her good shoulder.

"Pull it out." She said. Clarke gave her a look.

"Are you sure you want to just-" The blonde started to argue.

"You're stalling Clarke." Avery said. "Pull the damn thing out or I'll make someone else do it." She made direct eye contact with the blonde. Bellamy made a small noise of disgruntlement at her decision, but held his tongue. Avery was in charge of herself, and that included deciding to pull an arrow out of her shoulder. It wasn't like they had any choice anyway. 

"Okay." The blonde replied. She moved around the table so she was looking at Avery's back, where the back of an arrow stuck clearly out of her shoulder. Putting one hand on the arrow and one hand on Avery's back she turned to Bellamy. "Hold her still." She told him.

Bellamy nodded back, and put his hands securely on her shoulder and waist. Avery took a deep breath and felt everyone around her hold theirs. She made eye contact with Clarke, and before she could even say so, Clarke pulled the arrow out.

Avery's scream wasn't long, but it was loud. It made Bellamy want to let go of the girl and cover his ears. And also maybe stab himself with the arrow too. (Don't mind him, he's a little confused at the moment.)

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