thirty-two: the cell

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"So I put my middle finger up!
I'm done being your slave.
My generation's had enough!
And you should be afraid."

middle finger by bohnes (again)

"King!" Clarke swore as she marched into the airlock. She was quickly followed by Octavia and Bellamy. "I swear to God, I leave for one second and you threaten my mother's life."

They stuck Avery in what she assumed was their makeshift jail. It was actually an old airlock chamber used to launch people to their deaths. It was ironic, really. She leaned against the wall beside her and gently tugged on her handcuffs, which were attached to a pole in the middle of the room.

"You're projecting, Clarke." Avery pointed out, her voice nonchalant compared to Clarke's yelling. She looked at Bellamy, who wore a somber look on his face. Her voice softened. "What happened?"

"Don't avoid this conversation, King." Clarke spat. "Why the hell were you threatening my mother?"

"Because she needed to learn." Avery responded, her voice getting colder.

"Learn what?" Clarke yelled again. It was silent for a moment before Avery responded.

"That if you screw with us, and I mean any of us." Avery gestured around the room. "You'll die."

"She's my mom, Avery!"

"She's the Chancellor of the Ark, Clarke." Avery shook her head at the blonde's idiocy, her voice rising. Clarke could be incredibly thick sometimes, especially when it came to people she felt she needed to be loyal to. "And she's going to get everyone here killed."

The blonde glared at Avery, and then turned on her heel to march out of the airlock chamber, leaving Octavia and Bellamy behind. Avery and Bellamy made eye contact, and Avery smiled at the sight of him. It was especially reassuring to see that he didn't have any more bruises on his face, but there was something else lurking in his eyes.

Octavia coughed awkwardly, and muttered something about leaving the two of them alone for a little bit. She was only there to check on Avery and the King was alive, so she considered her job done.

When Octavia left, Avery invited Bellamy to sit beside her, and he obliged. She rested her head on his shoulder for a moment, just enjoying the fact that they were alive and safe, barring the fact that Avery was technically in jail.

"Bellamy?" Avery asked, getting a small forced smile as a reply. She spoke softly, as if she was almost afraid of the answer. "What happened?"

Bellamy shook his head leaning further onto Avery as his shoulders started to shake. He leaned his head back onto the metal wall and Avery could see the tear stains rolling down his cheeks as he remembered. Everything was coming back all at once, like it always did. Avery was no stranger to that. She brought his hand to her mouth and kissed the back of it softly, allowing him to have a few moment moments before her told her the story.

Finn hadn't been the same, Avery knew that. None of them were the same. None of them would ever be the same again. But Finn had changed fundamentally, like some very important switch flipped during that battle.

What Bellamy told her was worse than anything she could have imagined.

When Bellamy, Octavia, and Clarke rounded the hill near the grounder village, they heard gunshots and ran towards them. What they saw at the village was horrifying. Their friend, or their lover in Clarke's case, had killed eighteen innocent people. The dead weren't soldiers, they weren't trying to kill him. They were elders and children gunned down by a mislead boy looking for the girl he loved.

KING, the hundredOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant