eleven: the epic return of raven reyes

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"This is what we came for
And we couldn't want it any more.
Could never turn back now
Got to leave it all on the floor

legendary by welshly arms

Avery, Monty, and Jasper were still fiddling with the radio when they heard the commotion outside. The three of them got up and ran over to the dropship door, where they saw the whole camp looking up.

"Bellamy, get out here!" Octavia yelled. Seconds later he exited his tent shirtless, followed by two girls only wearing towels. The three scientists shook their heads and rolled their eyes at Bellamy, and turned to look at what looked like a pod coming down from the Ark.

"They're coming to help us!" Monty said, smiling.

"Now we can kick some grounder ass." Miller chimed from across camp.

"Please tell me they brought down some shampoo." One of the girls next to Bellamy said, hopefully. Avery rolled her eyes. They were barely getting enough to eat and she was worried about her hair?

A few minutes later, Bellamy came out of the main tent and started to walk back towards his tent. Avery moved to talk to him.

"Bellamy, what's going on?" She asked.

"We're waiting until sunrise to go for the pod." Avery looked at him, confused.

"What? Bellamy- " Avery went to question him but he stopped her before she even started.

"No." He said sternly. "Okay? We're waiting until light." He moved back to his tent. Avery almost went after it again, but rolled her eyes and decided that it was probably better to just do what he said. Bellamy was way too stubborn to change his mind on something like this. Avery walked back to her tent and continued working, her various plants growing bigger and bigger by the day.

An hour or so later, Clarke and Finn barged into her tent. They were both momentarily surprised at the amount of plants in the tent, but shook it off when they remembered that it was Avery King's tent.

"Avery," Clarke said, causing Avery to turn around from the knife she was sharpening with a rock.


"Have you seen Bellamy?"

"I mean, I saw him about an hour ago. But I'm not in charge of his sorry ass." They looked at her quizzically as she paused. She'd at least expect Finn to laugh. "No. I haven't seen him after that."

"Is it possible he went to look at that pod?" Clarke asked her.

"I mean he said we should wait until-" The thought dawned on her and she slowly closed her eyes and out her palm to her forehead. "Shit." She said, getting up and grabbing her pack. "He's going for the radio."

A few hours later, Avery, Finn, and Clarke were walking through the middle of the forest trying to find Bellamy. Avery was annoyed at the idiot. Why couldn't he have just told her where he was going? She probably would have helped him had he just explained himself.

"Should we split up?" Clarke asked, as they were running through the forest. They did, Clarke and Avery running one way and Finn taking the other. Clarke and Avery were the first to find the pod in the middle of a clearing. From a chemist's point of view, this looked like the shittiest pod ever. Avery didn't know much about mechanics, but it looked like the pod could barely go anywhere, let alone survive the atmosphere. Clarke opened the door to the pod and stuck her head in. Avery assumed there was someone in there when they started talking.

"Oh my God." She said.

"Hi." Avery heard the woman on the inside say. "I made it?" Clarke nodded her head.

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