forty-four: splitting up

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"this is our time, no turning back."

live like legends by ruelle

sorry it's been so long since the last update! have an extra long one because im sorry about that! more updates coming soon because school is over for the year :)


After an actual meal in the hall they were supposed to have lunch in, in which Avery tried very hard not to notice Clarke and Lexa's quiet conversation, night fell.

Lincoln, Octavia, Bellamy, and Avery sat close together around a campfire, soaking in the fire's warmth. Abby and Kane sat at another fire near them with Clarke across from them. Raven was in a tent nearby, busying her hands with a radio.

"Azgeda has been threatening to break their alliance with the other eleven clans for a long time." Lincoln explained after Avery asked. The man leaned into Octavia, both of them looking up at Avery who was sharpening her knives with a small rock, the fire illuminating her face. "The Queen of Azgeda is ruthless, and wants Commander Lexa's power. They will likely wage war if we win The War Against the Mountain."

Before Avery or Bellamy could respond to Lincoln, Raven's yell from inside the nearby tent rang through the air.

"Guys!" She yelled, walking swiftly toward them with a radio in her hand. The delinquents, including Clarke and Lincoln, quickly made their way to her. "Listen to this."

She held the radio up to them. Avery felt her breath catch in her throat when she heard the voice come through it. Jasper's voice spoke clearly, but quickly:

"Forty-seven of us are trapped inside Mount Weather. They've taken Harper and Sarah."

"Talk to him, say something!" Clarke urged.

The group exchanged shocked expressions, their eyes fixed on the radio as it continued blaring.

"We don't know how much time we have left."

"It's repeating." Raven said after a moment.

"Please hurry." The message ended and began to replay again. "This is Jasper Jordan. We need help."

"They're alive." Octavia said quietly, a small smile making its way onto her face.

Avery didn't need to look at Bellamy to know what he was thinking. She was frozen in her spot, still stuck on her brother's shaky voice coming through the radio. She'd had her doubts. But they were alive, that was all that mattered.

"She may already be dead."

"We need to do this now." Bellamy said, without hesitation. "We've got the alliance, now is the time to use it." Clarke hesitated for a moment.

"First, we need an inside man." The blonde said. Avery's head snapped in her direction, as did Raven and Octavia. "You were right. Without someone on the inside to lower their defenses... turn off the acid fog, an army is useless. You should go."

"I thought you hated that plan." Bellamy said, looking between a silent Avery King and Clarke. "That I would get myself killed."

"I was being weak." Clarke said simply. "It's worth the risk."

Avery couldn't breathe. She needed the world to stop spinning and spinning and spinning. "She may already be dead." Floated around in the back of her head. "We don't know how much time we have left." Bellamy was going there. He was walking straight to his death.

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