five: united we stand

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"Taking a stranger's hand
I got familiarized
Now without a second glance
I wouldn't save the night

claudia by finneas (again)

The next morning, the camp was pretty much what you'd expect of a place where kids did whatever the hell they wanted. Early that morning, Avery found a swamp-like area a little ways from camp that grew a lot of plants that she recognized. She spent at least an hour in the field, trying to identify which plants could help and which could hurt. On her way back to camp, she'd found a field of little white flowers. She'd made the flowers into a crown which she now wore on her head, and put the rest of them into her pockets.

When she heard Bellamy and Wells talking again through her tent walls she sighed. She didn't want to have to deal with this today, but she figured she should probably go check on Wells. She didn't like him, but she didn't want him dead either.

She left her tent and walked up to the dropship, where Bellamy was saying goodbye to one of his many "lady-friends" as Monty would call them.

"You still don't get it, do you Chancellor?" He stopped talking to kiss the one-night stand as she walked back to her own tent. Avery rolled her eyes. "This is home now. Your father's rules no longer apply." He stopped when he noticed Avery and gave her a small nod, which she returned.

"Hey, flowers." He greeted her, and Avery rolled her eyes again, smiling.

His gaze hardened again and he turned back to the task at hand. He walked up to Wells and snatched the clothes he was carrying out of his hands. Atom started to go towards Wells and Avery instinctively stepped back and reached for her knife.

"Oh, no, no, Atom." Bellamy said, leaning forward threateningly. "Atom, hold up. You want it back? Take it." Wells looked like he was about to attack Bellamy, but instead he threw the clothes behind him, letting random people fight for them. He turned back towards Bellamy.

"Is this what you want?" Wells asked him. "Chaos?" He smirked and made eye contact with Avery, who wore the same expression on her face.

"What's wrong with a little chaos?" Bellamy asked.

Wells looked like he was about to reply when a scream came from the other side of camp. Avery locked eyes with Bellamy and they both took off towards the screaming.

Murphy was holding a girl above the fire by her shoulders. She made sounds of struggle, but he kept her pinned down. Not enough to get burned yet, but it looked like that was his plan. Avery immediately got out her knife as they walked towards Murphy.

"Bellamy!" He yelled. "Check it out. We want the Ark to think that the ground is killing us, right? Figured it'll look better if we suffer a little bit first." Wells moved towards Murphy and pushed him off of the girl. He landed about five feet away on the ground. Avery and Bellamy walked up to the scene together.

For the first time that many of the 100 had seen, Avery looked powerful. She walked beside Bellamy, but she was by no means under his command like the others beside him. She twirled her knife around in her hand, inspecting it. Somehow, even with little white flowers in her hair she looked menacing, her expression stoic.

Instead of going for Murphy with her knife, she held her hand out for Bellamy to stop moving for a moment, which he did. She walked over to the girl still sitting by the fire, kneeled down beside her and inspected her arms.

"You okay?" She asked, and the girl nodded her head. She looked back at Bellamy and walked towards him as the girl moved in the other direction. She stood beside Bellamy again and nodded her head for him to continue.

Everyone watching the interaction was confused, to say the least. But they didn't really have time to think about it because Murphy jumped on Wells. He punched him in the face and then in the stomach while the people around them chanted "Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"Well, this certainly is chaos." Avery said as she turned to Bellamy. He gave her a smirk.

"What?" He asked. "Now you don't approve?"

"I didn't say anything about that." She said, as she returned his smirk.

Wells and Murphy hit each other a few times, both of their faces getting increasingly bloody. It looked like Murphy was winning until Wells flipped him on his back and slammed his head into the ground a few times. Wells stood up and addressed Bellamy.

"Don't you see you can't control this?" He asked, almost sounding helpless.

Bellamy almost looked remorseful. Avery definitely did. She didn't want people to get hurt. But she needed Bellamy to see the price of chaos. She needed him to see what being a leader was going to cost.

"You're dead!" Murphy yelled at Wells. He picked up his knife.

"Wait." Bellamy yelled. He dropped a knife at Wells feet. "Fair fight." Avery was surprised when Wells picked it up. He must really be pissed. The boys began to fight with their knives. They both slashed each other a few times in the arms. Again, it looked like Murphy was winning until Wells spun him around and held a knife to his throat.

Apparently, Clarke Griffin chooses her moments well.

"Wells!" She yelled. "Let him go."

Avery smiled when she saw Octavia, but that smile faded when she spotted the long gash on her thigh.

"Octavia!" She yelled, running over to her. Bellamy tried to join her, but ended up stopping to grab Murphy by the arms when he tried to lunge for Wells.

"Enough, Murphy." He said. As soon as Murphy was under control, he ran toward his sister, who Avery was already holding up.

"Octavia." He yelled. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah." She replied, as Avery handed her to Bellamy. Avery put her arm around Monty when she noticed someone missing.

"Where's Jasper?" She asked, panicked. "Monty, where's Jasper?" She didn't get an answer.

"We didn't make it to Mount Weather." Finn said, sitting down on a log.

"What the hell happened out there?" Bellamy asked them, and it was quiet for a moment.

"We were attacked." Clarke said, looking scared.

"Attacked?" Avery asked. "By what?"

"Not what." Finn said, turning towards her. "Who." Avery's eyes went wide. "It turns out, the last man who died from the ground on the Ark wasn't the last grounder."

"We're not alone?" Avery asked Clarke, fear in her eyes.

"We're not alone." Clarke replied. "The good news is that it means the radiation won't kill us."

"The bad news is the grounders will." Finn said.

"Where the hell is Jasper?" Avery asked, tears in her eyes. "Monty?" Clarke moved between her and Monty to face Avery.

"Jasper was hit." She said. "They took him." Avery felt sick and sat down on the same log fin was sitting on. She looked close to tears. She couldn't lose Jasper. Anyone but him.

While the others were talking, Avery and Monty just sat on the log in silence. What were they supposed to do without Jasper?

Clarke found out about the wristbands. As Avery assumed, she thought it was a terrible idea and decided to voice that. Wrong move, Clarke. No one here agrees with you.

Bellamy urged his people not to listen to Clarke.

"She's one of the privileged!" He told them. "If they come down, she'll have it good. How many of you can say the same? We can take care of ourselves. That wristband on your arm? It makes you a prisoner. We are not prisoners anymore! They say they'll forgive your crimes. I say you're not criminals. You're fighters, survivors. The grounders should worry about us!" The crowd cheered for him.

Avery turned around and faced Bellamy. She nodded at him and he nodded back.

She didn't agree and he knew that. But she would stand with him.

United we stand, divided we fall.

They needed each other, so they stood united. 

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