three: bellamy blake

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"We are coming home, we are coming home"

home II by dotan 

As people gathered near the dropship, Bellamy looked like he was trying to take control of the situation. He was trying to establish himself as leader not ten minutes after their boots but the ground. And it was working.

Octavia walked Avery over to him, pulling her by the hand.

"Hey, big brother." They smiled at each other. "Someone I want you to meet."

"Avery King." Avery said, sticking out her hand, which Bellamy shook. He smiled at her, and her usual sideways smile appeared on her face as well.

"Bellamy Blake." He replied. "Thank you for taking care of my sister up there." He pointed to the sky. Avery laughed at him.

"I'm pretty sure it was the other way around."

A commotion from the other side of the clearing alerted Avery and the Blake's to a group of people forming around John Murphy. Avery immediately stepped forward when she realized Jasper was involved. When she did, Bellamy stuck his hand out beside her, motioning for her to stop. She looked at it, raising her eyebrows, and then pushed it out of the way with her hand, giving him a "what the hell are you doing" look. Avery King was not going to take orders.

"Relax." Wells said. "We're just trying to figure out where we are."

"We're on the ground." Bellamy yelled at him. "That not good enough for you?"

"We need to find Mount Weather." Wells said, walking with Clarke towards Bellamy. "You heard my father's message, that needs to be our first priority."

"Screw your father." Octavia said.

"Damn straight." Avery muttered. Wells gave them an annoyed look.

"What? You think you're in charge here?" Octavia asked. "You and your little princess?"

"Do you think we care who's in charge?" Clarke asked. People like her are too serious for this world, Avery thought, shaking her head. "We need to get to Mount Weather. Not because the Chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we'll get and the harder this'll be. How long do you think we'll last without those supplies? We're looking at a 20-mile trek, okay? So if we want to get there before dark we need to leave. Now."

Okay, Avery thought. She was probably on to something.

"I have a better idea." Bellamy started, and Octavia and Avery turned to look at him. "You two go, find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change."

The crowd around them agreed.

Wells tried to argue that they should all go, but John Murphy quickly shut him down.

"Look at this everybody, the Chancellor of Earth." He said. Bellamy, Octavia, and Avery laughed along with the crowd, the girls leaning into each other.

"You think that's funny?" Wells asked, causing Murphy to stomp on his leg in a really unpleasant way. His leg made a cracking noise, and if it had been anybody else Avery would have flinched.

Murphy moved to fight Wells, and Avery watched with interest from the side.

"Well, this is going to be interesting." She whispered to Octavia, who nodded back.

Before anything could happen though, Finn decided to jump down from the top of the dropship. Everyone stared at him.

"Kid's got one leg." He told Murphy. "Why don't you wait until it's a fair fight." Murphy didn't say anything back, and Octavia took the opportunity to address Finn, who Avery could already tell she thought was cute.

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