nineteen: the start of an era

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"We are the broken ones, who chose to spark a flame.
Watch as our fire rages, our hearts are never tame.
'Cause we were, 'cause we were born for this."

born for this by the score

When Avery King stepped out of the medical tent, most of the eyes of the hundred were on her. She turned to her left and nodded at Miller, who was standing post outside of the medical tent while she was inside.

"How was everything here?" She asked him quietly. She prayed that nothing else had happened while they were gone. They didn't need anything else to deal with at the moment.

"All good." He nodded. Avery nodded back at him, sending him a small smile of satisfaction. She then moved to address the larger group of delinquents, Bellamy and Miller subconsciously moving to her sides.

Lighted by only the fire in front of her, Avery began to speak. She told her people about the battle at the bridge. About how they would be preparing for war. She didn't sugar-coat it like Clarke would, and she didn't scare them like Bellamy would. She gave them fear, but she also gave them hope.

Hope that, with the guns they'd found, they had a chance. But only if they worked hard. Only if they wanted to stay alive. And judging by the reactions from the crowd, they did.

"You want to live." She said. "I can see that." She turned to Bellamy beside her and then turned back towards the crowd. "And to be honest, so do I. But to do that, we have to fight with everything we have. We don't have the Ark anymore, but we don't need them. We can win this war. It'll be us against them. And after that, we will have peace. Peace without anyone telling us how to live. Peace without fear. And that's something I think is damn well worth fighting for."

"I am going to fight. I am going to fight for all of you. The only question is: will you fight for me?!"

She wasn't yelling. Of course she wasn't, it wasn't often that Avery King yelled. But her voice was louder than yelling. It was more powerful. Her words carried. For a moment, the crowd was silent. Avery feared that her speech didn't work. But still, she held her ground and kept her head held high.

But before she could speak again, she heard Miller yell.

"All hail the King!" He screamed, raising his gun in the air. For a moment, the crowd was silent again. But then, the yelling started.

Shouts of "All hail the King!" echoed around the camp, and Avery's smirk got a little bit wider. As she made eye contact with Bellamy, she could see that his thoughts mirrored her own.

There was a chance they could win this thing.


An hour later, the group agreed to re-group in the main tent. Bellamy, Avery, and Miller were the first ones to arrive, and found themselves drinking a bit of moonshine while they waited. Well, mostly Miller was drinking the moonshine. He was also fiercely complimenting Avery on it, which she just snorted at. That boy really drank a lot for someone who couldn't hold it down.

After a few minutes, a certain engineering trainee entered the tent. When he saw Avery, Monty shook his head and gave a small laugh.

"The King, huh?" He teased, smirking. "Who came up with that one?" He extended his arms outward, looking at Avery expectantly.

"Oh, shut up." Avery said, giving him a tired smile. She stood up and walked over to Monty, putting her arms around him. When they pulled away from the hug, Monty smiled at her.

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