thirty-nine: all the blood

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"gonna fight on till the end
i won't turn my back again
gonna stand and face the rain
in this valley of wolves"

out for blood by valley of wolves

"They're trying to scare us." Bellamy pointed out.

The group stood at the gate, watching the grounders chant across the muddy field. Avery was trying her best to appear fearless, but as she looked at Bellamy she saw the hint of fear in the back of his eyes and immediately recognized it within herself as well. She sent him a nod and subtly grabbed the hand at his side and squeezed it in hers. His gaze shifted to her face and then to the grounders outside of their camp as he clenched his jaw.

Avery knew he had that shitty feeling. She had it too.

Whatever was going to happen, it was about to happen.

Avery walked away from Bellamy, moving to stand behind the line of guards facing the front gate. She stood beside Clarke, whose mother stood nervously on her other side.

"I think we should pull back and go inside the station." Abby said, shaking her arms slightly. For a politician, Abby Griffin had a terrible poker face. Then again, Avery thought, she wasn't exactly the best politician.

"No." Clarke quickly shut her down. "We have to prove we're not afraid."

"Afraid of what?" Avery added with a smirk. Abby looked at her like she was crazy. She was getting that a lot from the Chancellor.

"What if I am?" Abby asked genuinely after a moment.

"Fake it." Clarke answered, glancing at Avery, who sent her a small smile back.

The mother and daughter linked hands. Clarke sent her mother a reassuring smile as she stepped forward, removed her hand from her daughters, and began walking toward the gate. Avery and Clarke followed her, and Bellamy quickly fell in line behind them with his gun raised.

As they walked through the guards, Avery felt the mood shift. No longer was Byrne looking at Avery like she was the enemy. Instead, she sent her a nod, which Avery tried not to look shocked as she reciprocated.

Abby called for the guards to open the gate and faced the masked warriors on their horses with as much confidence as she could muster.

"We're not giving him up." Abby said, squaring her shoulders. "We're ready to fight if that's what it comes to."

The men turned their horses around and rode quickly back to their commander. A horn blew in the distance, and Avery put both hands on her gun, lifting it up to her eye. The people from the sky had no idea what was about to happen, but they weren't taking any chances.

"Watch the woods!" Bellamy yelled, sharing Avery and Clarke's caution when it came to people hiding in the trees and shooting at them.

"Movement in the treeline!" One of the guards yelled. Avery looked through her scope, watching as a man walked toward them. She slowly lowered her gun.

"Don't shoot!" The man yelled.

"Avery." Clarke said, a smile making its way up onto her face.

Avery was frozen.

There, standing in front of Abby Griffin, was Marcus Kane.

Completely alive and well and on the ground.

Marcus turned, his eyes finally making his way to Avery. His tired face spread into a smile. And other than the darkness around his eyes, he looked remarkably unharmed. Avery let out a loud laugh, walking quickly toward him as he enveloped her in his arms.

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