thirty-three: pinned

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"I don't need anyone
I just need everyone and then some"

clementine by halsey

"Okay, tell me again." Avery said. She, Bellamy, and Clarke were leaning over Clarke's hand-drawn map of Mount Weather, which apparently was a very complex facility. As bad as their time on the ground had been, Avery was quite glad that they hadn't actually landed near the mountain. She could only hope that her friends inside were alright.

"It's a labyrinth." Clarke said. She moved her hand toward a portion of the map. "We got to the dam through this tunnel. It's all connected to the mine system. That's our way in."

"Sure, if we can get past the reapers and the Mountain Men." Bellamy added from beside Avery. He gritted his teeth in frustration as he glanced around at the numerous guards near them. He turned to Clarke. "I swear to God, if your mom doesn't sanction a mission soon, I'm going by myself."

"You won't be by yourself." Avery said. Clarke nodded in agreement.

"Clarke!" Raven called from the other side of the courtyard. She ran over, hobbling unevenly but looking better than she had in days, which Avery was grateful for. Avery sent Raven an apprehensive smile, which the mechanic quickly returned. She figured there were bigger fish to fry than her bad deeds.

"I know why we haven't heard from any of the other Ark stations." Raven said, leaning in towards the pair. Avery's eyes widened. "Mount Weather's jamming us."

"Show me." Clarke said.

Avery picked her moonshine cup off of the table and stood up. She nodded at Bellamy as he stood up, probably to go find his sister. Getting up from the table, the three women left him to walk towards Raven's shop.

A strange noise was omitting from the radio sitting on the table in the workshop. Raven explained that the noise was the same one Monty heard in the black box from the exodus ship. Strangely enough, all the problems they had were connected.

"Wait." Avery paused Raven in her rant. "You're saying Mount Weather crashed the exodus ship?"

"Can you get around the signal?" Clarke asked, moving around the table to get a better look at the device.

"Around it?" Raven responded. "No." Clarke's face fell, but Avery's spread into a small smile when Raven smirked mischievously in her direction.

"Oh, I know that look." Avery rubbed her hands together in excitement. "That means we get to blow shit up, right?"

"Hell yeah." Raven responded, holding her hand out to give the King a fist-bump, which she returned with a laugh. Clarke grinned at the pair. In the middle of a war, they were somehow finding a way to move forward. "If we can get to the tower, we can make it go boom."

Suddenly, the door to the workshop burst open, causing Avery to turn around quickly. Abby Griffin and her guards ran in through the door, their hands on their weapons and panicked looks on their faces. Clarke quickly rounded the table, putting herself in between Avery and her mother.

"No one is going anywhere!" Abby exclaimed, glaring at Avery and Raven.

"Mom, listen to me -" Clarke took a step closer to her mother, but she cut her daughter off again.

"What do I have to do to get through to you?" Abby asked, shaking her head. Avery hid a snort with the back of her hand. The fact that she thought she could change Clarke's mind was hilarious. "You and your friends are not soldiers, and continuing to act like you are puts lives at risk..."

"You don't understand." Clarke said, prompting an even harsher glare from her mother. "Raven found something. Mount Weather is jamming our communications."

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