author's note!

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HOLY SHIT. Holy shit holy shit holy shit. I am finished with my first full-length novel! I can't believe it. It's been such a trip. I've learned so much and changed a lot while writing KING. Thank you so much to everyone who's stuck with me so far. People who've been with me since the beginning and people who just stumbled upon this story recently, thank you! I am so grateful for each and every person who reads.

It is absolutely wild that Avery King has gotten so much love and appreciation, and while I do love her character, it seems important for me to remind you that she is fictional and is also not a good person. Every once in a while I see comments that seem like people think of Avery as a role model. For my sanity: please don't. She is very funny and kind of iconic with her lil revenge streak, but please don't model your life after someone who kills people regularly.

That being said, I am so touched by the amount of people who have reached out for me to say that they're inspired by what I write or that they relate to Avery King! She's really badass, and I confess, I relate to her from time to time as well. I'm also really proud of her! She's come a long way, and I'm so excited for her journey to continue...

*cue music*

Which is why I've decided to write a SEQUEL! Holy shit!

The sequel will be called WAR OF CROWNS and it is a season 3 au! Feel free to ask me questions about it in the comments and I will answer them if I feel like they don't spoil the plot too much.

I plan to start updating this story shortly, and updates will be about the same (really regular and then sometimes really sporadic) as updates for KING have been! This story goes a lot deeper into the emotions of our main characters. It starts out peaceful, but as usual, it won't be for long. Anyways, I'm super excited to write this!

Again, thank you so much for reading! WAR OF CROWNS should be posted in about a week.

In the meantime, I encourage you to check out some of my other stories! 

Love you all xx

- K. 

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