forty-nine: the maze

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"There's no surrender
And there's no escape

game of survival by ruelle


"Hey," Avery sighed in relief, pressing the button near her ear so Bellamy could hear her over the radio. "Where are you?"

"Doesn't matter." Bellamy spoke quickly. Avery and Monroe glanced at each other nervously. "We found out how they're getting the bone marrow out. They're extracting it with some kind of drill - at least five of us are already dead. They're also planning on hitting TonDC with some kind of missile." Bellamy took a shaky breath. "Flowers ..."

"Shit." Avery breathed. She needed to keep a level head, especially if Bellamy wasn't. "Where are you now?"

"In an air vent near the room where our people are being held. Just about the only good news is that I gave Jasper a gun. They're fighting back."

"That's good." Avery said, trying not to focus on the fact that Jasper was alive. "We're in an air vent on the other side of the compound. We made it in, but they know we're here."

"I'm headed to Dante Wallace's cell." Avery could hear shuffling that meant that Bellamy was moving in the air vent.


"Yeah, they arrested the old President."

"Okay, that's closer to us. We'll head there."

"Alright. Be safe." Bellamy hung up.


"Raven." Avery hissed into her earpiece. "Raven. Can you hear me?"

"Umm, she ducked out for a second."

Avery paused for a moment, her body cramped into the tiny space that was the air vent she and Monroe had been climbing through for the last twenty minutes.

The voice on the radio was a man's. Last she checked, Raven Reyes did not sound like that.

"Who the hell is this?" Avery demanded. "Where's Reyes?"

"Well... what's up? I'm Kyle Wick." The man introduced. "And I'm honestly surprised Raven hasn't talked about me before. And that you don't remember me."

Avery wiped a heavy layer of sweat off of her forehead with the side of her arm, electing to take a break for a moment.

"I do." Avery sighed. "I do remember you, and as much as I'd love to catch up about how your life has been for the last three years since we had chemistry lab together, I'd like to not die in the next hour." The line went quiet. "I need you to help me navigate to the cell they're keeping Dante Wallace in."

"Umm... okay." Wick replied after a moment. "I-I can do that. W-where are you now?"

"We're about three hallways away on the South side of the facility." Monroe chimed in from ahead of Avery through her own walkie talkie. "I think." Avery winced at her unsure tone.

"Alright." Wick paused for a moment, and Avery and Monroe could hear the rustling of papers. "You're gonna wanna go left."


Raven had to admit, she did not expect to see Kyle Wick talking over the radio. She especially didn't expect to hear Avery's voice responding to him. At least they're still alive, she thought as she made her way back into the lab.

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