"I do", he said his voice unwavering, hiding his fears behind those hard, honey eyes.

Zayn didn't meet his friends' eyes, not wanting to see disappointment in them. The pastor diverted his question to Harry.

"Do you Harry Edward Styles take Zayn Javadd Malik as your lawfully wedded husband and promise to be together till death do you apart?", he questioned again.

"I do", he answered without hesitation in a hurry. His impatient eyes looked at the pastor as he waited for his announcement, so they can leave the church.

"You may exchange your rings now", they groaned in annoyance before hurriedly exchanging the rings which would bind them together.

"With the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and hus-", the priest started only to be cut off midway.

"With the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and hus-", the priest started only to be cut off midway

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"Okay. Thank you for your time. We're married. Now we have a very important meeting to attend. Good bye", Harry announced to the priest and turned towards his family to see a very disappointed look on Anne and Gemma's faces. "Zayn, let's go", he demanded while the bambi eyed boy nodded his head in acknowledgement. He smiled at his innocent sisters who had no idea of what exactly was happening and didn't dare to meet anyone else's eyes before following his boss. Or rather his one year husband.

They both got into the car and took off immediately without delaying anymore. Harry and Zayn sat at the two extreme corners looking out of their windows while the driver cruised the vehicle across the town.

"Remove your ring before you enter the building", Harry's rough voice brought Zayn out of his thoughts. "And don't ever mention to anyone that we're married", he said with an emotionless voice.

"Yeah. As though I'm proud to be associated with an arrogant as*hole like you. Dumbshxt", Zayn countered with hate filled tone.

"Watch your mouth, you uncultured sw*ne. I'm still your boss. Jerk", Harry spat with annoyance.

"I really don't know what sin I committed that I met you. Egoistical and self-centred idiot. Adding salt to the wound was getting married to you. Hope I get off alive from this stupidity soon", Zayn muttered irritated but loud enough for Harry to hear.

"What the-", Harry was cut off when the driver announced that they had reached the office. He glared at his new husband hard who didn't back down too before huffing and getting out of the car.

The two men made their way into the office hurriedly, acting like strangers. Harry walked into his cabin as Zayn followed him.

"What is the schedule for today?", Harry called his secretary as he plopped on his executive chair, leaning his head back tiredly.

Zayn just stood there while his husband spoke on the phone. Unintentionally, his eyes roamed all over the green eyed man's face, admiring all the features. Those forest green eyes seemed so innocent even though his eyebrows scrunched up in confusion and irritation, his slender nose was cute like a button, his milky white cheeks were tainted red and those full, plump lips seemed inviting as he spoke. His honey coloured eyes drifted up, meeting his husband's. Harry's face turned redder than ever and he coughed uncomfortably, bringing Zayn out of his trance.

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