Chapter 7・Jealousy

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Lucy's POV

"I missed you so much," a salmon haired prince said to me as his hug tightened. What should I do? Do I just let him hug me, or do I hug him too? Do I push him away?! I don't know what I should even be doing?! I didn't know what to do as the prince hugged me. Why does he miss me? He doesn't even know me, all he knows is my name so far. Maybe my name? Yeah my name! He probably thinks I'm someone else.

As I kept asking myself questions, his hug loosened. He finally let me go and looked at my face. "You've grown so much," he said smiling a toothy grin. When he smiled, something warm started to build up in my heart. And I felt so happy... I couldn't help but smile back at him.

He then went back and hugged me, but I pulled him back. "I'm sorry Prince Natsu, but I think you've mistaken me for someone else," I said to him. "How can I? You're the only girl that I know that have those beautiful amber colored eyes. Even though it's common to have those color eyes, yours is the most enchanting," Prince Natsu said smiling.

Normal POV

"Again Prince Natsu, I'm sorry but I'm not the girl that you've met in the past. I've never even met you until today," Lucy said bowing down. "Never met me? We were best friends for a very long time. How can you not remember me? You've always waited for me to come everytime I visited you," Natsu said walking closer and closer to Lucy as he finishes each of his sentences.

As Natsu kept coming closer, Lucy went further away from him. "Please don't hurt me my prince, I'm sorry if I did something wrong. Please forgive me," Lucy said horrified.

"How can you not remember me!?" Natsu said raising his voice with a hurt expression. Lucy fell to the ground petrified of the prince. Natsu walked closer to her, but she just backed away. "Natsu, I'm sorry for being disruptive, but please leave Lucy alone," Gray walked up to Natsu and held his shoulder. "I'm sorry Lucy, I just can't accept you not remembering me," Natsu said and walked out of the room.

"Here let me help you," Gray said holding his hand out. Lucy grabbed his hand and got pulled up. "Thank you for saving me back there... uuhh I didn't get your name. What is it?" Lucy asked patting her clothes to get rid of dusts. "My name's Gray Fullbuster. Can I ask you a question?" Gray asked and Lucy nodded in response.

"Are you messing with Natsu? Saying that you don't know him?" Gray asked "You shouldn't address the prince by his name. That's rude," Lucy corrected him with a blush. "It's okay, he doesn't really care if people call him with 'prince' in his name or without it," Gray chuckled. "So as for my question, are you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. Also to the prince. You're both saying that I know him, but I don't know him at all. Am I suppose to because he's royalty?" Lucy asked. Gray looked at Lucy. "I guess you can't remember him at all," he said with a sad gaze. "Why are you saying that I know him. I don't understand," Lucy said flustered.

"I'm not telling why, because you should try and figure that out," he said exiting. "Oh and... thanks for making him smile," he came back to say and left with a grin.

"I guess it is true that he hasn't smiled. But why did I make him smile? He just saw my face. And how do I even know him? The prince is weird. Along with his hot bodyguard," Lucy said rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. "So you think Gray-sama is hot?" a feminine voice with a hint of jealousy was heard. Lucy turned around to see a young woman around her age with long, blue, wavy hair and dark blue eyes. She was wearing a maid outfit just like her too.

"Gray-sama? You mean that guy with the prince? I mean I guess he is," Lucy said with a hint of blush on her face. "Juvia will not let any girl come close to Gray-sama. He is Juvia's only!" the blue haired woman named Juvia said as she stormed towards Lucy.

Lucy backed away from Juvia as she came closer. "T-take it easy uhh... J-Juvia! I'm not taking him away from you. Y-you can have him for all I care," she said putting her hands up in defense. "Gray-sama is Juvia's! Stay away from him. Wings of Love!" Juvia said casting a spell.

A vicious whirlpool was then heading towards Lucy and she got pushed away with great force. "Ahh!" she screamed in pain. Blood gushed out of her head, arms, and legs. "Don't try stealing Gray-sama, or this will happen to you again," Juvia said as she turned around, but then froze up. "J-Juvia! What have you done?!"

"P-p-prince Natsu!" Juvia gasped "What happened Na-.... Juvia! What did you do?!" Gray exclaimed. "G-gray-sama! I-I didn't-"
"I know how you feel Juvia, but just because you're jealous doesn't mean you can hurt people," Gray said as him and Natsu ran towards Lucy. "Lucy? Can you hear me?!" Natsu called out. "Prince Natsu.. Gray.. it's okay. I'm still alive, we just need to cover up my wounds and I'll be all good," she replied with a faint smile.

"Juvia, you're suspended from the castle for a week. Think about what you've done," Natsu commanded and carried Lucy to his bed. "Gray, go get the healer," Natsu said and Gray exited while grabbing Juvia.

"Why Juvia? Why did you need to hurt her?" Gray asked with sympathy "Juvia's sorry. I couldn't help myself... every time a girl compliments Gray-sama, my heart races with jealousy. When you talk to other girls, my heart begins to ache so bad I can hardly breathe. Juvia didn't mean to hurt her. She just lost control of her jealousy. That's why Juvia did it," she said bursting into tears.

Something unexpected then happened that Juvia couldn't imagine. Gray hugged her to comfort her. He patted her hair till her crying gradually slowed down. "Don't cry anymore. I don't like it when you cry. Just don't let your jealousy get the better of you, you're stronger than that," Gray said pulling her away and smiled at her. "Juvia promises!" she cheered up and smiled back at him.

"Oh and don't hurt Lucy ever again, she's special to Natsu," Gray adviced. "How is she important?" Juvia asked.

"Well she's the only one that can make Natsu smile again... and she's his bestest friend. The day she got separated from him was the day he stopped laughing and smiling," Gray reponded. But no respond came from Juvia because she realized that she had hurt the only person that made Natsu smile. And if she had died, Natsu would never ever smile again.


I'm sorry if I made Juvia a bad person in this chapter, I like Juvia and she's amazing! I was gonna say that she trapped Lucy in a water lock spell but I said "that's just too much" so I changed it. Even though it was deadlier than the water lock spell. But I had to make her bad because I had to put a Gruvia moment there.

Sorry minna if I posted this late. I started earlier but I suddenly got a problem with my keyboards and needed to find the charger which took like an hour.

Well I hope you liked this chapter ^~^

Lost Princess and the Dragon Prince|Nalu|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon