Chapter 20・Water Blues

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"Zancrow stop!" Lucy yelled as she ran towards him with Natsu, Gray, and Sting. As they almost reached him, Zancrow ran up to them, focusing his eyes on Lucy.

Natsu, Gray, and Sting noticed and ran faster than Lucy to block him from getting to her.

They were now standing still as the three went in front of Lucy. Zancrow stopped running and stayed put with a smirk. "I'm surprised you came out of your own comfort just to stop me," Zancrow said, still looking into Lucy's eyes.

"Zancrow-" Lucy was cut off.

"Oh now you call me Zancrow? What happened to me being your older brother? What happened Lucy?" he asks feeling hurt. "Just because you found your biological brother doesn't mean I'm not your brother."

"Onii-san, I'm sorry if you feel replaced. Can't you just go back to the way you were before all this happened? Me, you, and Sting... we can all be happy together," Lucy proposed.

"No... NO! I don't want him with us. He'll take you away from me. Your family took my loved ones away. And I don't want you to be taken from me either," Zancrow said lighting his hands on fire and charged at them.

Gray ran up first to fight him.

"Ice Blade: Seven Slice Dance!" Gray yelled creating sharp blades made of ice on his arms. He runs up to Zancrow and rapidly slashes him seven times with a few misses.

Zancrow blocked Gray's first slash, then dodged the next two. He got hit by the blades the next two slashes and formed blood on his body. As Gray attacked forward, Zancrow steps back.

"I thought you were stronger than this," Gray said as he gave Zancrow an uppercut.

The last two attacks, Gray used a dual strike on Zancrow and sent him flying backwards. The ice on Gray's arms shattered as Zancrow laid on the ground, Gray not realizing that he was smirking. Zancrow laughed, but not loud enough that Gray can hear.

Gray turned around, without realizing anything, to walk back to the others, but stopped his tracks as he heard a gush of liquid heard from behind him and saw his friends watch in horror.

Gray's POV

As I headed back to the others, I heard something swing behind me and I felt something liquid and warm splatter behind my back. I looked at my arms and it was partly covered by blood. I stared at my arms in horror. I looked up to the others and they had the same expression as I did.

When I turned around, I couldn't believe my eyes. Tears fell down my face as I yelled. "Juvia!!" She was standing in front of me with open arms, covered in blood. It was everywhere. No.. this can't be happening!!

"Tsk, you're lucky that wasn't you," I heard Zancrow said and I looked at him furiously. There was no time to fight him now as I saw Juvia fall backwards. I quickly caught her before she fell to the ground.

"You i-idiot... why'd you do that? " I said as I cried. My tears falling unto her face, splattered with drops of blood. "B-because...I l-love y-y-you.. G-Gray-s-sama," she replied lowly as she caressed my face weakly. I held her hand tightly.

"Your body can make itself watery, so why didn't you do that instead of being.... being like this!?" I yelled as I hugged her tightly. "I-if J-Juvia did t-that... t-then Gray-sama w-would... get... h-hurt too," I heard her sniffle. "Please don't cry, it hurts me if I hear or see you cry," I wanted to say, but something else came up.

"I love you Juvia," I whispered.

I felt her wrap her arms around me without much strength. "I'm glad you feel that way....." she said and her arms fell. "No.. Juvia!! D-don't leave me!" I yelled as I shook her a little, but she wasn't waking up.

"Well too bad for her, she's dead. And you are too," Zancrow said and swung his scythe. I don't care anymore... just kill me already. What's worth living if she's not here?

I was getting ready for impact and I hugged Juvia for the last time. "At least we'll be together in heaven," I smiled, tears rolling down my face.

"Get her out of here you idiot!" I heard Natsu yell.

I looked up to see Natsu protecting us with fire lit on his hands holding the scythe. "Go Natsu and save yourself, it's not worth protecting me," I said, not moving from the ground. Natsu grunted as he struggled.

"Then you want her to die?! Can't you hear her heartbeating!!? She's alive you dumbass! She's about to die Gray! Now get out of here and save her!" he yelled at me and pushed the scythe away, gliding against his neck, giving him a wound.

She's alive!? I put my head against her chest and could feel her heartbeat, but it was really faint. I carried her bridal style and stood up. "Thank you Natsu," I said and he grinned at me.

Normal POV

Gray escaped Juvia out of the battle and headed for a safe place to take her and get treated.

"I guess it's back to me and you again," Natsu said getting into his fighting position. "Are you sure you can fight me? The last time we fought, I clearly remembered that you lost," Zancrow laughed. "Well not this time. I have a reason why I should defeat you," he said.

"And what would that reason be that you didn't have last time?" Zancrow asked, not taking Natsu seriously.

"Lucy's my reason. She was the reason last time too, but you caught me off guard by trapping me inside that black flame of yours. But not this time, I think I just figured out how to defeat you," Nastu smirked.

"We'll see about that," Zancrow responded getting into his fighting stance.

"Sting, get Lucy into a safer place," Natsu said as he looked back at them, seeing Sting nodded in response and held Lucy's wrist. "But Natsu-" Lucy started to say. "Please Lucy, I don't want to see you in pain anymore," Natsu cut her off.

"Take care of him ok?" Sting grinned at him and gave him a thumbs up before he left with Lucy.

"If you want her safe, then just hand her to me," Zancrow said.

"No way in hell I'll do that," Natsu said and rushed towards him with fire on his hands, Zancrow doing the same.


I'm sorry minna that I haven't updated in awhile. It's because I decided to update this story once every 3 weeks, but I will be updating a new chapter every week, just not the same story. So basically there's a new chapter for one of my stories a every week, but not the same one. If that made sense...

I'm sorry again(--; but I hope you liked this chapter. Jā matane! (^-^)/

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