Chapter 21・Fire Dragon vs Flame God

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As Natsu and Zancrow rushed at each other Zancrow shoots out black flames at Natsu, while he dodges them one by one. "You're good at dodging my flames Dragneel," Zancrow smirked at Natsu.

"That's not the only thing I'm good at," Natsu told him and quickly ran up to Zancrow and rapidly punches him multiple times. Zancrow blocks his attacks with a single arm and jumps backwards from him to get some space. "Not bad, you aren't a weakling at all," Zancrow said.

"Tell me, what type of magic do you use that makes you produce black flames?" Natsu asks sternly. "I'm a God Slayer, much more powerful than a Dragon Slayer like you," Zancrow laughed. "Were you taught by a god or something? Cause' you sure don't look like you did," Natsu says as he casts Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame.

Natsu ignites both of his hands and combines the flame creating a unique, larger flame as a result. He then throws the giant fireball at Zancrow.

Zancrow smirked at his actions. "Flame God's Kagutsuchi!"

He spreads his arms and legs and unleashes a giant ball of black flames around himself, which countered Natsu's attack.

"Nice shot kid, but you're still too weak for me. Now if I may, I'm gonna leave now and take Lucy," Zancrow says and turns around to leave.

Natsu gripped his hands in anger. "Fire Dragon's Roar!" He says as he gathers fire in his mouth, then releases a huge amount of fire in the direction of Zancrow, creating a large, exploding fireball that surrounded him.

Natsu smirked as he watches his fire burn him, but it sooner turned into a frown as he sees Zancrow engulfing the fire. "Your flames don't hurt at all they-"

He was cut off as Natsu plunges him with a kick, but failed to hit him as Zancrow blocks it.

Zancrow smirks and blows Natsu away with his own flaming fists. He mercilessly attacks Natsu once more with one arm in flames and destroys the surrounding markets and houses. "The flames of a God are scorching halberds that destroys everything," Zancrow laughs.

Natsu falls down to the ground as he looks at Zancrow. He attempts to stand up, but ends up falling back down.

"Seems like you're not dead yet and still fighting. I wonder if I use the same attack as I did the first time we met will kill you?" Zanrow says as he casts Flame God's Supper.

He envelops Natsu in black flames. "As you already know, you can't escape until you've turned into ash," Zancrow says. Natsu attepmts to eat the flames again, but still fails.

Natsu screams in pain as he feels as if he is about to wither away. "Just what I planned," Natsu thought to himself. He tries to calm down as he tries to empty out his magic power, but it seemed to be difficult for him as he continues to receive pain.

He tries and tries again and finally felt like his magic energy was draining. "Hopefully this works," Natsu thought. "Seems like you're about to disappear from this world," Zancrow smiles mischievously.

As soon as Natsu emptied out his magical energy, he started to engulf the black flames that surrounded him. But Zancrow never noticed until he saw that his black flames that surrounded Natsu was getting smaller.

"W-what's happening!?" Zancrow exclaims as he sees that Natsu was eating his flames. "How is this even possible?!" he yells.

Natsu drops to the ground and stands up, surrounded by red/orange and black flames. "The time you engulfed me by your flames, I felt helpless and didn't know what to do. I asked myself why I couldn't eat your flames, but I figured it out."

"I figured out what to do, but it was almost like a death wish if I did it, but it worked anyway. And now, I'm ready to defeat you," Natsu says as he smiles in victory.

Zancrow scoffed.

"Just because you can eat my flames doesn't mean I can't defeat you. Don't get cocky when none of us are defeated yet," he says. "I already know who the victor is," Natsu smirks.

Natsu ignites his left hand with black flames, while the other hand is ignited with red/orange flames. He brings his hands together, making a gigantic explosion, destroying the surrounding area, and blows Zancrow away from him.

After that one hit, Zancrow has fallen to the ground, unconscious, and scarcely breathing. Natsu walks up to him, covered with blood and wounds. He smiles apologetically to Zancrow as he stares at him. "This wouldn't have happened if you didn't try to take, or kill Lucy. You're still her brother you know," he says.

He turns around and looks at the town, destroyed and burnt. He sighs as he realizes all the work he has to do to repair it. He starts to walk off towards the castle, but starts feeling light-headed and his vision beginning to blur as he shakes his head.

He stops walking as he sees the world around him being enclosed by darkness. He looses his balance and falls to the ground, with eyes harldy opening. "Natsu!" he heard his name echoing in his mind.

Natsu opens his eyes once more to see blonde locks running towards him. "Lucy...?" he says as he closes his eyes.


Important announcement that I probably won't be able to update this, or my other stories until then end of June or the middle of July. The reason is because I'm going out of town to visit my hometown(Philippines) and I'm not sure if I can update there.

Anyways it's just a heads up and I hope you liked this chapter. Leave a vote/comment, whatever you like. Jā matane! (^O^)

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