Chapter 91

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September 2000

I don't feel as nervous when I walk into the Great Hall for the Welcoming Feast. Maybe it's because the Dark Mark on my arm is faint, and even if that did nothing Taylor's done enough training to finally make tattoos, and that's what makes it look even more magical. Because where I had my Dark Mark, it's now covered in beautiful magical flowers that bloom during the day and close at night. An amazing piece of magic.

I've already talked to Professor McGonagall about the ideas I had, and after last year, I know they're needed more than ever, and I have hope. So it's once the First Years have all been sorted, once the Sorting Hat's sung its song of the loyal Hufflepuffs who laid down their lives, smart Ravenclaws who used every trick they knew, cunning Slytherins who protected the young from a war and brave Gryffindors who fought alongside them all, Minnie introduces me formally as the Defence Against the Arts Professor and asks me to the podium.

All the faces are looking up at me as I walk to the same place Dumbledore always used to stand, and while it used to be a frightening thought, I can't help but now feel comforted by it. "Most of you will remember me from last year when I was training here," I say, my voice echoing in the silence. Aella and Ethan give me a thumbs up from where they're sitting with the other Seventh Years.

"But this isn't about me. This is about a discovery I made when I was in my Seventh Year, and it's not about the war. It's about all of you. The Hogwarts houses were always a point of controversy through time, always having a Gryffindor-Slytherin feud, always having the belief that Ravenclaws were good at homework and nothing else, that Hufflepuffs were pathetic little badgers that couldn't say a word.

"But I can name multiple people from every single House that proved against the stereotypes, that proved they were so much more. So I'd like to remind you that the Hogwarts Houses only show your traits," I smile softly, "not who you will turn out to be.

"The rules are changing. I've spoken to Professor McGonagall about this, and she agrees with me. The Houses are allowed – and encouraged – to mix during meals. Friendships can grow, even from the most unlikely of places. If you're a Ravenclaw, make friends with a Gryffindor. If you're a Slytherin, befriend a Hufflepuff. You don't need to segregate and stay in little packs, because you might realise that if you're open to others, you'll find best friends you never even thought you could have."

Nothing happens, at first. My voice's echos fall into a deathly silence. But then a few stand up, mostly siblings, and change tables. At first there's a strange silence but slowly the room starts to relax, and new friendships start to grow. And when I go to sit back down between Neville and Hagrid, the former gives me a kind smile and the latter a cheeky wink, and I can't help but wish Aiden was here to see how well everything worked out.

My first lesson isn't exactly how I expected it to be. It's with the Seventh Years, and I'm sure they've heard how I've been vilified in the press over the last few months from their anxious looks. It's decreased significantly thanks to Madison's rising fame and more people putting down Rita Skeeter's articles to pick up hers, but it's still there.

"Hello, everyone," I smile, remembering how this classroom used to be Remus's. How he was the best Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor I've known. And how he's my role model. I'll never live up to his legacy, but I can try my hardest to make him proud. "Welcome back to another year.

"Now, I know how anxious you must all be feeling, trust me. Seventh Year is when things start changing. Practice results are back, and while I know you all did wonderful, some of you might be feeling a little less than happy with your results. Workloads are changing, pressure is increasing, and N.E.W.T.s are happening this year.

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