Chapter 15

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The next few weeks all pass by in a blur. On one hand, I'm still trying to hide the bandages on my arms, act normal, get through all my classes. On the other, I have no clue what to make of Draco.

We've been working on the cabinet a lot, and he's not hostile with me anymore. Sure, in front of people he is, but it's only the two of us against everyone, in the end. Sometimes we just... talk. I have to be wary of what I talk about, but we're slowly opening up to each other. Not friends, but not enemies. Some sort of grey space between the two.

The owls start flying in at breakfast, delivering their usual whirlwind of letters and packages, and Aiden pulls my hat off my head. "So, you've got the hat, you've got the gloves, you've got the scarf – what, are you expecting snow in the middle of October?" he teases, and I pull the hat off his head and place it back on my own. It's not my fault I get cold quickly.

One of my hands are on the table, palm open, waiting as I usually do. It's only when the owls start flying out of the large window that I gasp quietly, trying to make sense of this in my head. "What's wrong?" Aiden suddenly turns serious, sensing something off.

"I didn't get a letter," I whisper back, surprised. Worry immediately crawls into my gut, but I know it shouldn't. I'm just being stupid. "Fred sends me letters every day." Aiden shifts slightly, looking away, and I turn to him. "It's fine, right? Maybe he just forgot or something."

"Probably," he tells me, placing his hand on mine reassuringly. "I wouldn't worry about it." I nod slightly, trying to push away my uncomfortable feeling.

Breakfast finishes quickly and before long we're outside, walking down the path to Hogsmeade. The air is bitter and the wind is harsh, and I turn to raise my eyebrows at the shivering Aiden in just his shirt. "Knew it would be cold," I tease, resulting in grumbles from him. "Okay, so, what's the plan for today?"

Kal, Taylor and Madison exchange looks (Aiden might have too, if he wasn't cursing mildly under his breath about the chills he's getting), making me frown. Suddenly, Maddie says in an unnecessarily loud voice as she wraps an arm around my and Kal's shoulders, the others following suit till we're all in a line, "I propose a game! How about we play 'I Spy'?"

"'I propose' we tell Cassia what's going on," I interrupt, knowing something's up. I'd look into their minds and see, but then I need to remind myself not to abuse my ability. "Because Cassia's feeling rather put-out at the moment and you guys are keeping secrets. Mind getting me in the loop?"

"We're not keeping–"

"We're keeping secrets."


"What, and lie to her?" Taylor turns to Kal, exasperated. "Forget Seer, when was the last time we decided to lie to Cass? She knows practically everything, and you're smarter than that, Nibbles."

"Patience is a virtue," Aiden nods, agreeing. His grin is contagious, though, and I find myself mirroring it before soon enough. I spot Draco passing us alone before long while we're in the middle of 'I Spy', and while I resist the urge to wave at him, I give him a slight smile. He doesn't return it, but then again he has a 'reputation' to maintain. "Did you just smile at Malfoy?" Aiden spies, eyes narrowed.

I shrug. "I smile at everyone, Waffles." Distracting them as we enter Hogsmeade, I start to whine. "When am I going to know what you're talking about?? It's not my birthday, it's not Christmas, it's not International Friendship Day–"

"Wait, that's a thing?" Kal yelps.

"– so I rather want to know what exactly..." What I see makes my eyes go wide, and I stop in my tracks, pulling my arms away from Madison and Aiden. They exchange grins out of the corner of my eye. "Merlin's beard. Merlin's beard."

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