Chapter 28

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A voice cuts the silence. "And just where exactly have you been?"

I freeze, knowing exactly who it belongs to. Mentally cursing myself, I sit up, lowering the Silencing Charm around my bed and turning to Hermione. "Nowhere," I say easily, although Draco's cries echo in my ears from just a few minutes ago. "Dumbledore wanted to see me. Order meeting."

"No, you have your Order meeting next week," she corrects, and I curse again when I remember mentioning it to Harry in passing. She crosses her legs, and while usually she's smiling or joking around, there's no hint of it now. "This isn't the first time this has happened. You do this a lot, sneak out at night, every few days.

"Not always at night, in fact – you missed the Quidditch match, too. Again! You barely spend time with us anymore, and don't think you can say you're with the others because I spoke to Madison and she agreed that you're not really around as much. It's not classes with Snape because you don't go in the direction of his office or the dungeons as much, and I see him sometimes when you've disappeared.

"Dumbledore's always going on trips away from school so it's not talking to him. Aiden's been with Luna a lot more so you're not going somewhere with him. I've checked the kitchens and Dobby claims not to have seen you, and you're not sitting by the Great Lake.

"You talk to Malfoy a lot more, now. I know you said you'd be his friend and try find out what he's up to, but I never expected you to spend as much time with him as you actually do. He seems comfortable with you as well, which isn't something I expected from him. You told Harry you didn't have the Marauders Map even though it's under your mattress, and the only reason why I haven't told him is because I trust you – you were my friend first, before any of the other two. Something's going on, and I don't care if Harry and Ron are blind to it."

She stands up, heading over to me, muttering the Silencing Charm around my bed again before taking my hands in hers. "But I'm worried about you," she tells me softly. "And I'd really like to know what's going on. Is Draco doing something to you? Has he Imperiused you or something? Harry told me about summer and when he th–"

I can't help but laugh then, although I hide the slight strain. "All year you've been telling Harry that he has no reason to believe Draco's bad, and now you think he used an Unforgivable Curse on me? He'd never, Hermione."

"Then please tell me what's going on," she pleads. "Where do you go? Is it something to do with him? Is there something big happening with the Order that you're working on? Just help me settle my mind, please. You're doing the same thing as last year, blocking everyone out, staying away. I miss my friend."

I purse my lips, looking away for a moment, gathering myself. That day comes back to me, when I had my first Potions lesson, my first encounter with Sev. When we came out, Hermione dashed over to me and introduced herself, knowing who I was already. One of the most awkward encounters I'd ever had with someone, yet here I hold Hermione as close as my sister, someone I'd be willing to do anything for.

But this is something I can't give up, and she'll understand that someday.

"Mione," I say softly, squeezing her hands. "I love you, and I don't want you to worry about me. There's already enough on our plates without adding this to the mix. But I just need you to trust me. Not to ask what I get up to, not to judge or push, but to just believe that I'm doing the right thing and let me do it. I've seen things you haven't," I touch my temple, "and I know what to do."

She hesitates for a moment, lips parting, but no questions come out. I know how hard it is, for her to fight her curious nature, and in the end she sighs before nodding slightly. However, the concern is still in her eyes, and she pulls me forward for a tight hug.

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