Chapter 43

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It's quiet, but no sooner than I think that, everything becomes a roar, a dim thrumming in my ears, almost like a pulse. Everything's fast, but so painfully slow. The spells seem to come towards me with warnings, and despite the pain back in my chest from my mishap a few days ago, I'm fighting fit.

Fires start breaking out as black plumes of smoke hit the marquee – the Death Eaters – and all I can do it shoot spells and make it seem like I'm doing some damage. Then again, with the way the Death Eaters are apparating in, it's obvious the protective enchantments around the house have fallen. Being in charge of the Ministry has perks for Death Eaters. However, that causes problems for me.

The others are starting to realise the enchantments have faded and are starting to disapparate in fear, shrieking and screaming filling the air. I can hear Hermione frantically calling Harry's name, Ron's hand squeezed so tight in her own his knuckles are turning white, and suddenly I realise he's gone. Amidst all the chaos, amidst all the Death Eaters in black robes amongst the colour, amidst the screams and cries of fear and dread and the chaos filling the air, Harry's nowhere to be seen.

Then again, I seem to forget he's not looking like himself.

Look out!

I whirl around just as a flash of red flies in my direction, but before I even get the chance to wave my wand there's already a shield in front of me, a flash of blonde hair. "You did it!" I grin at Draco, and a momentary smile flickers onto his lips. I must've left my guard down accidentally, a bit busy with fighting, but Draco used Legilimency to project that into my mind and that's all that matters. We're going well with his lessons so far.

"I should've known," Harry growls lowly as he eyes us from a few feet away, not taking notice of anyone except the two of us. "Last year. When you disappeared for two days in the summer. You were with him the whole time!"

"Shut up, Barny," I spit back, although clearly not saying his real name in case the other Death Eaters are listening in. Hermione's still yelling Harry's name, the Death Eaters shooting spells at them, but I know what I need to do.

Meeting eyes with Hermione, I give the slightest nod before waving my wand nonchalantly. Harry calls out in alarm as he's thrown across the marquee, crashing into Hermione and Ron. "There!" Draco shouts, turning the Death Eaters' attentions to the trio, but they apparate away before anything else can be done. I exchange a look with my cousin, glad. Now they know Harry's gone, they won't go on any sort of murder spree with the Weasleys or anyone else they find. Or maybe they still will, but I've got my hopes up.

"Potter would've gone somewhere crowded," Bellatrix says loudly in her piercing voice. "He'd stupidly hope we won't come after him."

There's a moment of silence as we glance around at each other through the flames and the darkness and the dim lights from the stars, then it's almost as if a strange presence finds its way into my mind, three words flashing at the forefront of my brain. Tottenham Court Road.

"Dolohov. Rowle," Bellatrix turns to them immediately. "Search Tottenham Court Road. The Luchino Caffe. Someone said the Dark Lord's name, and it's bound to be Potter, the little brat." They nod, disapparating.

"They put the taboo on his name already," Draco says quietly to me. "I heard them saying they would when they infiltrated the Ministry. Potter wouldn't know – no one would."

"There are only a few people who'd be so stupid as to say his name anyway," I mumble back, hoping the trio will be okay.

He gives me a look. "You used to say his name till now."

"I never denied that I'm stupid," I retort, the pair of us smiling slightly. "Come on, let's get back." Some of the Death Eaters around us are already disapparating, knowing there's not much else they can do for the time being, and we do the same. It's just a few seconds before we're standing outside the gates at Malfoy Manor and I huff. "Why do you have a stupid Anti-Disapparition Jinx on your house, anyway? I mean, what if I'm exhausted and I want to apparate right into bed?"

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