Chapter 26

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The weeks turn into months, passing by hurriedly in an attempt to make our exams seem even more daunting. Or maybe that's just Hermione talking about them all the time, especially when I've got other things to worry about – not that they'd know that.

The one break I get is Valentines' Day, and the reminder makes me smile. I wake up early, writing a letter to Fred, remembering what happened exactly a year ago from today. One of the best days in my life. I make my way up to the owlery, knowing who the fastest owl is by now, and send him off to the Burrow with my letter.

"Hey, Artemis," I smile as the black cat encircles my legs fondly, Severus probably heading to the Great Hall for breakfast. "The big bad professor treating you well?" She meows happily, jumping around the place, glad to finally have an owner and a collar around her neck.

At breakfast, I get a letter from Fred. I'm pretty sure he hasn't got mine yet, but I take it from the owl anyway before opening it, finding two pieces of paper inside. I check the first one, trying my hardest to ignore how Ron and Lavender are snogging nearby.

It's been exactly a year since we got together
And I finally had the guts to kiss you
And I just realised
That I can't write poetry.

I try hiding my smile, checking the back of the page as if there'll be something more, then roll my eyes a little. Of course. Then I read the second page, an actual letter, and it makes me smile.

I might not have him with me, but there's an Order meeting in a few days time where Moody will catch us up on what's happening in the Ministry and the disappearances. It's annoying, having to keep some of my visions or knowledge secret from them on Dumbledore's orders, but the thought of being able to see Fred again, even if just for a few hours, makes me smile.

The day still passes insanely quickly, and it's later in the afternoon once classes are over that I'm searching for Aiden. He said he'd meet up with me, but he's nowhere to be found. Dashing up to my room, I grab the Marauder's Map from under my bed, checking it, only to frown at the sight of something.

Instead of leaving it, I can't help but get curious, following where it says Aiden is and heading down the stairs, slowing as I reach the door. I peek around cautiously, catching sight of the Black Lake, and that's when I see him. With Luna.


Okay, granted, it's been a long time coming. I've been able to tell they have attraction for one another, even on Luna's side, but it's still a surprising sight to see. It's not, like, Madison-Kal making out, but just small, soft, wholesome kisses that make my heart burst. I purse my lips together to stop myself from squealing – it's my best friend – and back away, heading back to the common room.

It's about half an hour later that he comes up, face a deep red, and he comes to sit beside me. I take notice of his wide smile. "So," I say calmly, flicking through my textbook, "How was it?"

"How was what?" he asks nervously, running a hand through his hair before trying to brush it off. But then he freezes when I say:

"Kissing Luna."

"SHH!" He clamps his hands on my mouth, attracting much more attention than I did even saying it, and I didn't even think it was possible for his face to go an even deeper shade of red. "Carry on!" I just grin as everyone gets back to their own conversations and Aiden ends up punching my arm lightly, trying to brush this off as nothing.

"You know," I continue, voice lower so I don't get attacked by him again, "I'm surprised I had my first kiss before you, and a whole year before! But I'll have to admit, I'm glad you two dorks found love."

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