Chapter 52

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The news of my being a Seer spread the school quickly, and the professors that weren't aware before and aren't part of the Order can't help but glance at me with fear in their eyes when I'm in class. After all, I can say practically anything to the Dark Lord about them and he'll kill them.

The only one that's okay is McGonagall, who also knows about me spying. It's why she holds me back one lesson.

"Cassia," she says quietly once she's closed the door, turning to me. I hold my bag straps tight, letting my fake smirk fall. "Are you sure you know what you're doing? I heard how you riled up Alecto in class a few days ago."

I smile, grateful for her concern. "The more I act like I'm a part of the Death Eaters – apparently insulting each other is a big part of that – and the more I make the Carrows dislike me, the higher I'll be in their ranks and I might be able to get rid of them here."

She's not swayed. How do I explain shouting at Alecto just helps me deal with the situation? "This excuse of yours. It won't last forever, you know."

"Then I'll take however long I can get."

I've tried extending my excuse to protect others from getting hurt, but it hasn't done a thing. People are starting to come to the Room of Requirement or to our common room to see Aiden, who's trying to heal them a bit, and when some of us just sit and watch the way he does it, it's surprising.

I always knew he was perfect Healer material, but I've never seen him in as much action. The month's gone by quickly, far too quick, and I've already seen him fix several broken noses, cuts, bruises, the like. The Carrows aren't too vicious yet, but I know it's going to get worse soon. Those two are just getting started.

"Tay, can you do us a favour?" Neville, Luna, Ginny and I asked at the end of a meeting where we worked on a few defensive spells. It was more of a catch-up session, reminding everyone how to perform a simple Shield Charm. "Just, like, talk to the Slytherins and try to figure out which ones are against the Dark Lord, that might be okay with joining the DA and won't give us away. Younger ones are good, too."

She scoffed a little. "Pfft, have you met us? Slytherins aren't trustworthy."

Ginny raised an eyebrow good-naturedly. Taylor and Gin have gotten along well in the past, and I was glad to see it's not faded with everything going on at the moment. "You trying to hint something to us?"

Taylor grinned. "Of course. That I'm amazing." She flipped her blue hair back.

Neville was more hesitant, trying to work out what's going on, which was probably his first mistake. Taylor's practically un-understandable to those who don't know her. "But–"

"Basically, that's her way of saying yes, she'll do it," I cleared up for the others.

Tay winked. "I got you, babe."

It's how we now find ourselves with some of the kids from First and Second Year kids (mostly) starting to come into the Room of Requirement, chattering excitedly between themselves. Maddie got the Hufflepuffs (she's so sweet with kids), Ginny got the Gryffindors, Luna got the Ravenclaws and Tay has a few of the younger Slytherins with her, although not as many as the other Houses.

The moment some of them catch sight of me, though, they seem to freeze in place, some of them letting out a small shriek. "No, it's okay, you don't need to be scared," Luna says softly, turning to the kids. "Cassia's good. I promise. She's a real softie."

"Quite literally," I smile before jumping down from the slightly raised platform, having just finished a Potterwatch podcast. Mid-jump, I transform into my wolf self, and some of the kids shriek. One of the Gryffindor boys moves to stand in front of the girls, a fierce look on his face.

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